chapter 11

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Laurens pov.

One week later

It has been months since I have had Lily in my arms and it just feels good to have her back. She's been in the hospital for two weeks and her parents haven't even looked for her. I have been granted full custody by the state so no one can ever try to take her from me. The girls and I have semi terminated our record agreement and are now taking 2 and a half years off because I have to prove a steady home life for her.

I opened my eyes and ran my right hand through my hair while the other is wrapped around Lilys waist. I take a deep breath and let it out relaxing.

"Muf". I look down at Lily and she is holding my hand in hers and her small nose is wrinkled. I turn on my side and pull her close and put her hair behind her ear. Her eyes open and she smiles at me with a sleepy expression.

"Well good morning baby girl did you sleep good?" I asked she nodded her head and sat up and ran her hands threw her hair. She looked around the room and looked back at me sad. Her eyes are gray and you can tell ahe wants out of here
She plopped back on the bed and plays with the cast on her arm.

"There's my monkey! " I look over and see Camila walking in the door with some balloons and a small bag. Lily sets up and reaches for Camila and kisses her cheek.

"Has she said anything?" Camila asked me and I shook my head.

"Not a word." I said as Camila sat on the bed hugging Lily while I ran my hands down Lily's back.

"There's a lady in the hall that keeps asking for
you... I think you need to go see who it Is."Camila told me pointing to the door. Lily rested her head on Camila's chest and smiled shaking her head like she wanted to be held closer. Camila responded by pulling her close and kissing her head. I got up and kissed Lily' s head and Camila's cheek then walked to the door. I walked to the nurses station then I seen someone who looked  familiar. I walked over to her and she had a magazine in her hand reading article over something. She looked about 60 and she had long blonde hair and maybe weighed 115 pounds.

She looked up at me and gestured to the seat next to her.

"Hello you must be Lauren. I'm Marie, lea's mom." She told me then it all came back. Lea would always talk about how much she missed her mother and how much Lily loved her. She was at the funeral for a long time she was the first one there and the last one out.

"I understand that you probably don't want anything to do with any of us but I needed to know if Lily was ok. I understand that you don't have to tell me but I just want to know if she is safe." The lady asked. I smiled and nodded my head.

"You know. . Lea use to talk about how good you were with Lily. And when she told me that you were going to take her I was scared at first. So I had you followed and investigated a few weeks after Lea's death. I apologize for that but you really don't know how much lea and lily meant to me. I know that your probably thinking that if they meant so much to me why didn't I help. Well the truth is I did. I helped them get a way from my step son and his daughter. That's why they went to Florida. I thought Lea was crazy when she said she was giving Lily to you. You are only 18 then she reminded me that so was she. She said she knew that you could care for her and keep her safe. She said that between you and Camila she would grow up happy.. that's all I could ever ask for." She said wiping a tear from her face.

"I know lea told me. I.. um I just don't know what to say I'm sure you can see why I am hesitant to be around her side of the family and I don't mean that in any kind if a way towards you. Especially now that this has happened and I don't know who did it because she won't talk to any one. " I told her and she nodded.

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