chapter 15

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Laurens pov.

"Lauren wake up." I didn't move. I was way to tired and all I wanted to do was lay down. 

"Lauren wake up."

"Camila please let me sleep." I said and pulled her closer.

"Lolo please wake up." she laughed kissing my nose. I sighed and shook my head sticking it in her neck. 

"Mama!" I groaned and sighed. I sat up and lily was covered in candy.

"Lily go take a bath please." Lily jumped up and down smiling making funny noises. 

"Mamamammamamamamamamamamamam". She repeated.

"LILY JAUREGUI! " I yelled and she stopped. 

"Sorry." She said and climbed on my lap. I kissed her head and sighed.

"Come on." I said standing up collecting clothes for the two of us to take a bubble bath. I looked over at Camila and she was asleep.

"If I don't get to sleep Neither do you." I said to my self. I walked over to the bed and pulled the cover off of her and smacked her butt.

"LAUREN MICHELLE!" She yelled and I quickly Made my way to the bathroom closing the door.

"Hey its not nice to hit! " Lily yelled at me.

"Well.. she deserved it." I chuckled running the bath and putting extra bubbles in it.

"Mama!" Lily yelled I turned around and Camila had a towel twisted on her hands and was ready to strike.

"Camila..." I said she kinked a eyebrow and smirked. She hit me with the towel and I hissed in pain and she ran down the stairs. I turned off the water and quickly followed her.

"Camila.." I said in a sinister voice as I reached the bottom of the stairs. I looked around and seen her bolt into the kitchen. I chased her and I finally had her cornered.

"What now Camz?" I laughed and she was looking for every way out. I stepped closer and she closed her eyes getting ready for what ever I was going to do. I walked to her and placed my hands on her hips.

"Open them." I said softly. Her eyes fluttered open and I was lost in her chocolate orbs.  Hours could have passed and I wouldn't have known. Just holding her in my arms was all I needed.

"I love you Camz. " I whispered connecting our lips softly. I placed one hand on her cheek and the other on her hip pulling her closer. The sweet taste of her lips was just enough for me.

"Ouch lauren." Camila said pushing and away dubbing over. I picked her up bridal style and kissed her head.

"Lay down and let me take a bath with Lily and I'll  make you some food."

I told her and she nodded. When we got to our bedroom I laid her down and kissed her belly.

"I love you little man." I said and Camila gave me a weird look.

"How do you know its not a girl?" She asked me and I shrugged.

"It could be but I just want to see Lily mad." I said and she laughed at me and I walked to the bathroom and Lily was already In the tub.

"Yay! " she yelled when he seen me. I quickly discarded my clothes and joined her.

"Mama I going to make you look like a Nome." She said and put some bubble In her hand.

"And how are you going to do that?" I asked and she laughed.

"You'll see." She smirked and plastered the soap to my face. After a while she clapped her hands and smiled.

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