Chapter 24

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Lauren's pov.

We are waiting for the timer to go off so we can check these stupid test.

"What are you going to do if there positive?" Camila asked me and I shrugged.

"Figure out what to expect, make sure its healthy and work from there." I told her and she nodded.

"What are you going to do if there positive? " She shook her head and looked down.

"Camz?" I whispered and she kept her head low.

"I don't know if I could stick around." She told me and my heart sunk.

"You would leave me?" I asked and she shook her head.

"I couldn't leave you because of Kaylee but as for there being a us, I think that would have to wait. I don't know if I can trust you. You went behind my back to do it and Its just hard to think that there is a kid inside there that we are not ready for." She said and the timer went off. I looked down at the test then threw them away.

"Well I guess we need time apart." I said and walked past her and out of the room. I sat down on the bed and hugged a pillow close crying into it.

"Lo those are negative why do we need time apart?" Camila asked.

"Because If they were positive you would have left me and that honestly hurts. I love you and I love our  daughters but right now I can honestly say you discuss me. Do you realize that if they were positive you asked me to choose between our family and that child? With out saying it you asked me to get a abortion. When you and Austin had your fling I never once told you anything like that. If you would have aborted Kaylee our life wouldn't be the same. She has made my life so much better just by being here. That child that could have happened, would have been the same way. When you realize what you did and said to me. Then we have something to talk about,  as of now don't you dare say a word to me unless it is about our kids." I told her and she looked pissed.

"Kaylee is not yours Lauren, I don't want you near her." She told me and went to walk out the door and I grabbed her wrist.

"You will not take her from me, She is my daughter just as much as she is yours. I am the one who can calm her down and you know it. Don't punish her because we are fighting." I told her and she jerked her arm away.

"Watch me."  She said and walked out the room. I went to chace after her but as soon as I walked out the door Kaylee wrapped her arms around my legs.

"Mama, Mani said we can go swimming!" She yelled and I picked her up.

"Did she? I guess that means we better go get changed." I told her and kissed her nose. She giggled and I felt Camila tug her out of my arms.

"Don't touch her." She growled and walked away. I wanted to yell at her so bad but I wont start something in front of my kids. I shook Lily and told her we were going swimming and she raced me to the bedroom to change. I slid into my blue Bikini and pulled on a loose dress so I could take it off easily. Lily had bruises all over her stomach still so she put on her pink Polk a dotted tankini and some shorts. We walked out of the room and I realized we didn't have any beach towels. I Know there is a shop down stairs so I went and asked what everyone wanted. I knocked on Camila's door and received a answer by Kaylee.

"I'm going to get a beach towel what kind do you want?" I asked and Kaylee squalled.

"Soft Mama please!" And she slipped off the bed and tried to walk over to me but Camila picked her up.

"I'll get our stuff." She told me and slammed the door in my face. I grabbed the bag and put in the spray on sun screen and grabbed Kaylee's folaties because they were in my room. I bought the towels and met the girls in the taxi bringing us to a secluded area.  When we got to the small beach area I laid out the towels as Dinah and Lily argued about jumping off of the rocks.

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