chapter 27

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Laurens Pov.

 "Kaylee your not playing around are you?" I asked and she shook her head.

"I can see." She said and started to cry.

" I can see." Camila looked up at me with tears in her eyes. I'm not sure if it because she is happy or scared that now she has to protect Kaylee from what she can see. Camila laid down and Kaylee scooted closer to her and ran her hands over her face. She poked her nose and rubbed her cheek.

"What color?" she asked and poked Camilas eyes. Camila smiled and ran her hands through Kaylee's long hair.

"Brown." Camila answered and Kaylee smiled.

"Are my eyes brown?" she asked and Camila nodded.

"Your hair is brown too. And your skin is tan." Camila said and she really looked in to Kaylee's eyes.

"They did the surgery." Camila said and I nodded.

"Whats wrong?" I asked and she shook her head.

"Your not like me." She said and I looked at her confused.

"Color?" She asked and pointed to my eyes.

"There green." I told her and she smiled.

" Pretty." she said and I nodded.

"Not as pretty as yours." I told her and she reached for my hair.


"Black." She said and I nodded.

"Its what I use to see." She told me. Camila looked at me and gave me a sad smile.

"I Sick." She said and grabbed her stomach. I sat up and grabbed the kidney basin from the table. I sat her up and Camila held her hair. she threw up spit and she sobbed.

"I hurt." She told us and Camila and I nodded."We know baby." Camila said and rocked her side to side.

"Mama sing." She said and I nodded as Camila pulled her closer to her. The entire song all she did was look into my eyes. You could see how tired she was but she wasn't letting go.

"Go to sleep." I told her and kissed her head and pulled her and Camila closer to me. She shook her head and plays with Camilas hair.

"Its black." She said and I nodded my head

"It is black but when you wake up you can see all the colors but you need to sleep." I told her and she pouted her lip.

"Its black when I wake up." She said and I shook my head kissing her hair line.

 "When you wake up you will not see black you will see light." I told her and she nodded. "Night mama."

 "Night my small bump.'


"Mommy who are they? " Kaylee asked as the girls stepped in the room. Ally stepped towards us and took Kaylee's hand into her own and put it on her face.

"Ally cat?" Kaylee asked and she nodded her head. Kaylee looked at her and smiled pointing to her eyes.

"Brown" she said and ally nodded.

"Yeah brown eyes baby." Ally said stepping a side. Normani stepped up and Kaylee looked at her skin and then at Mani again.

"Why are you different? " she asked and Mani chuckled."Because I sat out in the sun to long." Normani said and Kaylee's eyes lit up.

"Mani bare!" She yelled and Normani kissed her head. Kaylee smiled and looked around and seen Dinah in the door."DJ?" She asked and she nodded.

"Hey squirt." Dinah said and Kaylee smiled. "Lily?" She asked looking around but she wasn't there.

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