chapter 18

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Camila's pov.

After Lauren finished the song all the pain I was in went away and a heart beat filed the room.

"Camz do you hear that?" She asked and I nodded. She smiled and gave a small chuckle in disbelief.
"She's back. " Lauren said and kissed my stomach over and over as tears of joy came down her face. Small kicks erupted from me and I also started to cry knowing that she was once again ok.

"Get the doctor! " I said and Lauren sat up and grabbed the call button.

"Camz she's a live. " Lauren said kissing me. She grabbed my cheeks and smiled. The nurse came in and asked us what was wrong as she checked the monitor and a dumbfounded look came on her face.

"DR. GAPES. DR. GAPES GET IN HERE!" She yelled and a smile spared across her face. Almost Immediately the Dr. ran in the room and looked over the monitor.

"I won't lie this could be the machine messing up or your baby came back to life." He said in utter disbelief. I smiled and looked at Lauren who was crying.

"We need a Ultra sound asap and blood work." He told the nurse as she walked out of the rooms.

"If the child is indeed alive you will have to be on bed rest tell you are at least 27 weeks then we can talk about taking the baby then. If the child is taken sooner the chances of it surviving is slim to none. We need to be in the 25-32 week area before we talk about any of this. I want your diet changed and for you to eliminate stress as much as possible. I know that you have a older child and I a going to suggest that you do not pick her up to carry her. I will also suggest that when you sleep you sleep not facing anyone or anything so your oxygen is better and the child will receive less carbon dioxide." He told me and I nodded.

"Right now you are at 19 weeks and I Need you to get to 27. Do you think you can stay on bed rest for the next 8 weeks?" He asked me and I nodded quickly. It may be hard with all that's going on but this child is more important that any of it. He nodded and walked out of the room as the nurse came in with a wheel chair to take me to the examination room.


8 hours later

"Mommy!" Lily said jumping into my arms and almost Immediately Sharp pains came front my stomach.

'Ouch ouch ouch." I said and put her down dubbing over. Lauren helped me stand back up then yelled at Lily.

"Don't do that what's wrong with you. We're you raised with out manners!" Lily's eyes widened and she looked down.

"I-I just missed yo-." she said but Lauren didn't stop.

"Just go away!" She yelled and Lily looked up with tears in her eyes and ran up the stairs.

"Lauren! What's wrong with you talking to her like that she's 7 years old!" I said and pulled away from her and walked upstairs to Lily's room. I knocked on the door and opened it. Lily was on her bed with the stuffed monkey I got her laying still.

"Monkey are you ok?" I asked sitting on the bed. She nodded and hid her face in the stuffed toy.

"Yeah I'm use to being told to go away... I just missed her." She said and sighed. I pushed her more on the bed and then layed down and pulled her close.

"She loves you. You know that don't be mad at her we have had a long day and we thought we almost lost something very important to us." I told her and she nodded.

"Can you stay with me and hold me?' She asked and I nodded pulling her closer rubbing her back. Soon she fell asleep and I was starting to cramp again so I went to my room and laid down and made Lauren go with me. She laid there and kissed my belly over and over whispering sweet things.

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