Chapter 6

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Laurens pov

We walked into the dance studio and I dropped my bag in the corner. I unzipped the bag and grabbed my bottle of water and sat it on the floor

"Lauren can I have my IPod?" Lily asked.

"Not right now you are 7 years old go use your imagination. I think Camila brought a note book and some pencils GO draw for a while you Can have it later". She huffed but nodded and walked to the other side of the room.

"So I heard that Mila had her first kiss... Want to tell us who it was with?" I looked to my right and seen the girls standing by me.

" I don't know what your talking about." I told them then I felt a slender pair of arms wrap around me, and a head rest on my shoulder

"I gave her her Ipod." I turned and looked at Camila in Disappointment.

"What don't look at me like that, She asked nicely." Camila said and I looked at Lily who was going out the door.

" Where is she going now?" I mumbled to my self and walked after her. She was walking down the hall looking in all the music rooms, listening to music and nodding her head.

"Meme come on I have to get back, don't leave with out our permission." She smiled and shook her head.

"Ok fine come on." She said walked back into the dance room.

"Ok girls lets get started," Our dance coach said turning on some warm-up music.

After dancing non-stop for two hours we finally got a break.

"Lolo.."Camila whined as she laid her head on my lap. I leaned down to kiss her head and smiled.

"Whats wrong?" I asked and she shrugged.

"Nothing now that your here." This time when I bent down I connected out Lips softly.

"Get it Mila!" Dinah shouted as we broke apart, And she hid her face in the stomach of my shirt.  I ran my hands through her hair and leaned back against the wall.

"What songs are next?" I asked in general.

"Boss and going
nowhere." The faster songs. Great.

"Girls break for a hour I have to run somewhere I should be back in a hour and a half." Our dance coach told us.

We all relaxed and Ally and Normani laid on the floor.

"Mama I'm Hungry." Lily said walking over to us.

"Look in that bag I think I packed you a Lunchable." I told her.

"Can we have pizza and sushi tonight?" She asked rummaging through The bag bringing me the box to open.

"No, one or the other." I told her and she walked over to Dinah and sat on her lap and whispered something in her ear.

"Sure if you want to." Dinah said kissing her cheek.

"Dinah did she ask you if she could have pizza and sushi tonight?"

"No she asked if she could have pizza, sushi and Ice cream." I shook my head and threw my hands up.

"Where does it all go?" Normani asked and they all laughed.

"Lily I said no. You do not ask the other girls after I give you a answer." She gave Dinah a dirty look and got up and sat on Ally's lap facing her.

"Laur." Camila said but I cut her off.

"No Camz she needs to listen." I was not mad I was still talking in a normal voice so she wouldn't end up crying.

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