Chapter One: A New Plan

891 37 23

Word Count: ~1.2k

Perching on a beam in the rafters of Xisuma's warehouse, the hero scanned the scene below him.

Most of the workers had escaped, but there were five hostages. They were being interrogated by his arch-enemy of three years; Warlock. He donned a royal purple wizard robe with gold trim, a matching hat, and a gold mask. Under his robes, Dynamight knew was a dark blue almost black spandex and knee-high black boots. A golden crystal was floating above his hand, and every time a question he barked went unanswered, a bolt of lightning shot out, blasting right above the hostages' heads. He kept asking about blueprints to Xisuma's new 'project', whatever that was.

Looking to his left, Dynamight spotted the swirling purple portal the wizard used to arrive inside the facility. His sidekick, a short male named Angel, was carrying boxes of supplies into the portal. He was wearing a long-sleeve white crop with a red cape hanging off his right shoulder. The left half of his pants was a red skirt and the right half was a white legging. His brunette hair was pulled back into a ponytail and he had a red mask tied around his head.

Carefully opening a pouch on his grey utility belt, the hero pulled out a small smoke bomb. Lighting the end with a spark from his hand, he threw it down and waited.

Smoke exploded from the small orb, quickly filling the room.

"Dynamight? Show yourself!" he heard Warlock demand through coughs. Jumping down as silently as possible, he ran his hand down the concrete wall before giving it a solid punch. Now with a decent dent in the wall, he exploded it to create a large enough hole to guide the hostages out.

"Get yourselves far away," he quietly instructed. The confused yet thankful workers nodded and hurried away, some clinging to each other.

He whipped around, bracing for an attack from his enemy, but there was nothing. Not a second later, smoke parted for a barrage of bubbles that came flying at his face. Unsure of what they were made of and not wanting to risk it, he gripped the large, dark grey hood hanging over his head and crouched. Swiping his right foot behind him, his body turned away from the attack as his cape swept around him.

The hero charged in the direction the attack came from, ready to tackle Angel.

But the villain was quicker.

The moment he came into his field of vision, he jumped into the air and floated above him, a shit-eating grin cemented on his face. "Aw, what's the matter? Am I too high up for you?" he teased, his striking brown and green eyes sparkling.

Rolling his eyes, the hybrid pushed off the ground, using his super-strength to boost him into the air. He seized Angel's arm and pulled him down with him. The moment his black combat boots touched the ground, he flipped the enemy over and onto his back. The short brunette groaned, shifting uncomfortably on the ground.

"Wow, you got everything out already?"

The two looked over to see Warlock standing by the portal.

"Yeah, it wasn't hard now can you please help me?" Angel asked with a strained voice.

The wizard hummed, studying the scene in front of him. "No, I think you got this," he clapped his hands together and smiled. "Well, I'll see you back at the base! Good luck! I believe in you!" He disappeared through the portal, and it closed before either of them could do anything.

Angel muttered something before twisting his arm out of Dynamight's grip and jumping back up on his feet. He roundhouse-kicked the hooded-hero's side, making him stumble as his maroon hiking boot sunk into his rib through his one-sleeved black shirt. Though he wasn't thrown off balance for too long, as sure enough when the evil sidekick attempted to create another swarm of bubbles, Dynamight grasped his leg and threw him across the warehouse. The male in white tumbled through the air as he attempted to regain balance.

Dynamight followed him, and he waited for Angel to finally regain his balance in the air before sending an explosion his way.

"Hey! That nearly killed me!" he squawked, having floated higher up.

"What a shame," the hero teased, firing more explosions in his direction. "What's the matter- having trouble without your boss?"

Grunting, Angel dodged the attacks, while throwing up a load of bubbles. "Speak for yourself! You never let anyone help you," he pointed out, catching himself on one of the beams and perching on it.

"Well, that's because I work alone." While Angel scoffed, he dodged the bubbles coming at him. Although he was unaware of the flick of Angel's wrist, which sent the lingering bubbles from behind him straight into his back. Some looped around and popped on his organic, sleeveless arm. He hissed at the stinging sensation and reached for another smoke bomb.

The villain squeaked as he barely missed the cloudy attack, dropping down to the floor.

"The hell are your bubbles made of?!"

"A magician never reveals his secrets," he teased with a wink. He jumped up again, this time flipping in the air and landing his leg hard on Dynamight's shoulder. And when he tried to grab him, the shorter merely pushed him onto his back with his foot. He gracefully landed next to him and crouched down. After booping his nose, he jumped up to leave.

Gritting his teeth, Dynamight reached up and grasped Angel's cape and hurled him, quickly shooting explosions after him as he stood up. The short brunette loudly cursed as he struggled to dodge. He missed the first two, but the blast of the third sent him flying backward. Just as he scrambled to his feet, the hero was in front of him, cornering him against the wall.

"What kind of supplies were you carrying? What kind of blueprints is Warlock looking for? What's he going to do with him?" He fired questions off while staring down at the tan male.

"Hm, let's see; not telling you, ask him yourself, and what he always does," he answered with another shit-eating grin.

"I'm not stupid I know he wants to take over the world and whatever, but what exactly will this 'project' do?"

"Give me one good reason why I should tell you."

Dynamight never broke eye contact as he punched the wall next to Angel with his organic hand, causing him to flinch. When he pulled his fist away, what remained was a deep crater, small pieces of debris still falling off. Some dust remained on his black, fingerless glove.


Angel blinked. He knew he should take it as a threat. Without saying anything he knew Dynamight was saying it would be his face next. So surely, he should be scared.

But even though it made him flinch, he couldn't deny the fact his heart was pounding, and it wasn't out of fear. He let out a small giggle.

"Isn't that a little dark for you?" he asked, smirking. The tall hero rolled his eyes. He pushed himself off the wall, shrinking the space between them. As expected, Dynamight moved back a little, most likely startled by the movement. Now with more room, he jumped up and rained down bubbles. With the hero distracted with dodging the dangerous obstacles, he made his escape. 

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