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Doc shut off the vacuum so he could listen to the police radio more clearly. Ever since moving into the new apartment, he was determined to keep it at least a little cleaner than his last place. 

The crackling voices spoke of a robbery, the culprit fleeing south of Moss Crossing.

He supposed cleaning could wait a bit longer.


Within no time he was atop a marketing building in costume, keeping an ear out for any updates.

Trailing the path where the thief had gone, an officer predicted him making a right to cut through Octagon Industries.

Dynamight raced to get there first, hiding behind a large vent on the roof. He switched off the radio and waited to hear something.

The moment the sound of feet landing on concrete alerted him, he stepped out of his hiding spot. The villain was surprised to see him but eased into a smile.

"Fancy running into you here," Angel teased. There was a long and slender black rectangular case of some kind in his hand.

He nodded towards the object. "Couldn't wait to get yourself a pair of high-tech glasses, huh?"

"Oh, these old things?" Raising the case, Angel pursed his lips. "They're not my style, honestly." He shifted his eyes to meet Doc's and smirked. "But I know someone who's dying to get their hands on 'em."

"Well whoever they are, they'll have to wait," he shot back with a grin, sliding a foot back to settle into a fighting stance. His palms were sparking, itching to cause some damage.

Humming, Bdubs surrounded the case in a bubble and let go, allowing it to suspend in the air. Immediately he darted towards Doc, unsheathing the dagger from his back. As the hero set off multiple explosions at him, he leaped into the air, floating over the attacks. He tried to follow with his bursts, but the villain got too close to comfort.

His foot dug into his shoulder, but before he could kick off, Doc seized his leg and threw him to the ground. Planting his hands above his shoulders, he kneeled on top of him. "Feel like surrendering?" He teased.

Bdubs scoffed. "That easily? I get it's your day off but honey, there's no need to be so lazy," he sweetly rebutted.

Reaching a hand up he touched Dynamight's cheek. It was his mistake to let his guard slip for a moment, as suddenly there was a bubble around his head, forcing him off so Angel could jump back up.

The bubble popped, though the noise being so close to his ears temporarily threw him off balance.

He wasn't given any time to compose himself before becoming overwhelmed with a swarm of bubbles. There were so many surrounding him and moving so fast he didn't notice the dagger flying through the air until it lodged itself into one of the panels on his chest. Staggering backward upon impact, Dynamight gritted his teeth as he pulled it out. He swatted the bubbles away in time to see Angel closing in on him.

Grabbing his wrist, the villain grinned as he tried to push the dagger-holding hand back towards his chest.

"Ooh, careful, you might hurt yourself," he worried with words coated in a sickeningly sweet concern.

Smiling as well, Doc leaned his face forward to minimize the space. "Awe, you care so much! That's so nice of you!" He swiped his foot around the back of Angel's legs, throwing him off balance and knocking him to the ground. Swiftly climbing on top of him, he grabbed his half-cape and pulled his torso up as he leaned over. "You wanna hand those glasses over? Maybe we can go on a date instead of fighting?" He quietly offered with a teasing grin.

Kiss With a Fist (Bdoc Hero AU)Where stories live. Discover now