Chapter Eleven: Don't Flirt On the Job

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Hey hey hey if the mention of a gunshot wound is something you don't like, maybe like, be careful? It's not that bad though I swear

"There, all better," Scar softly sang, his hands cupping Angel's face. The pink crystal that was hovering above their heads slowly dropped back down, the wizard catching it and stowing it away in his pocket.

It was the next day, and Warlock had so graciously healed Bdubs' face. "Thank you," he whispered, gently touching under his eye.

Truthfully, the bruise didn't bother him, but Scar had offered and who was he to turn it down?

He pulled his mask back down and tightened it before standing up. His boss didn't move back, leaving hardly any space between them. Warlock held his chin, lifting his face. "You've improved so much since I first met you," he murmured. "Oh if only I could tell you the plans I have for you. But... that'll have to wait."

Bdubs just slightly nodded, his eyes widening. It wasn't too often he got complimented by him. "I'll help you clean up and grab the copy of the blueprints before I leave," he offered.

Scar's smile widened. "I'd appreciate that," he agreed, pulling away and leaving the small room.


Bdubs made his routine walk around Odea, occasionally asking in a bright manner if a customer needed help. Out of all of his jobs, this one felt the least tedious, as somehow he hardly found someone who needed help. Of course, there were always people who did, he just never stumbled across them. And he'd never complain about that. After all, helping people isn't exactly his thing.

He was called to take over at a register so he made his way down while running through his schedule in his head. The demolition company doesn't have any jobs today, so I can stay home for a little longer after the farm work before heading to the night shift at the coffee shop.

Why he had four jobs was a secret Bdubs would not reveal so easily. However, that didn't mean he enjoyed it so much. If he had it his way, the only job he'd have was working on the horse farm. Although, if someone were to ask, he'd just say it was that he had no need for free time and more jobs meant more money.

But the more he thought about it, the more he realized jumping from shift to shift has been able to work as an alibi for him multiple times.

He began the mundane task of ringing up customers with a small, fake smile while his mind drifted elsewhere.


Bdubs hummed to himself as he brushed the white horse. Arguably one of the best parts of his days was when it was just him alone with his thoughts and a horse to take care of.

Where he worked served horse-riding lessons, but he never did any of those. He was there to care for the horses and that's it. Dealing with inexperienced people was something he'd never find the patience for.

As he brushed Lulu, alone in the barn while the other employees were out and about, he whispered to her the date he'd one day take Dynamight on. "If he doesn't want to reveal his face, we'd go to the movies and sit in the back where it's dark," he softly explained with a stupid smile. "And then later, we'd meet up in costume and have a picnic somewhere."

It was honestly kind of fun being able to have these dumb daydreams. Being the person he was and growing up how he did, he didn't exactly make it easy for someone to develop a crush on him or even ask him out. Bdubs couldn't help but wonder if his new boyfriend was thinking the same way. It was hard to imagine Doc freaking out over the possibility of going on a date.

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