Chapter Nine: Confusing Decisions

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Angel hardly slept that night. His head was too full of contradicting thoughts screaming at him. Warlock shouldn't have made him expose his weakness like that. He shouldn't have made him hurt himself that bad. But, he also promised to not let it happen again. And he was right; once he used the machine his weakness would become obsolete.

And yet, he still felt angry.

Bdubs also wanted to have a serious discussion with Dynamight. But with him as their prisoner, it just didn't feel right. The small kisses they've been sharing have started to feel so... natural. He didn't want to betray Warlock by setting him free, but then again, Warlock betrayed him.


After changing back into his costume the next morning, Bdubs took a deep breath. He felt a little bad that his main reason for deciding to free Dynamight was to spite Warlock, but for the most part, he was fine with it.

On his way to the exit, he passed the hero, whose head shot up. "Did you even get any sleep?" he teased.

"No," he scoffed. "And it looks like you didn't sleep too well either."

Pursing his lips, Angel checked around the corner. He quickly dropped to his knees and fiddled with the cuffs. The hero began to ask what he was doing, but he quickly cut him off. "Let Warlock see you first, but once he's gone you're good to break free."

"Angel, why are you doing this?" he asked with a strained voice.

"Because I can." He pressed a soft kiss to his forehead before jumping up and quickly leaving.


Doc could feel the difference once Angel pulled away from the cuffs. He felt his strength return and couldn't wait to be out of this dump. But he listened to his instructions and waited for Warlock to poke around. The villain didn't say anything, just raised an eyebrow at him before disappearing.

Once his footsteps disappeared, he easily broke free from the cuffs and quickly headed out the direction that Angel went. As much as he'd like to fight him now, he hadn't eaten in a while. Plus, he had a few things to take care of.


"Well, I hope you feel better soon, and make sure to find time to get your work done."

"Of course, thank you, ma'am."

Hanging up the phone, Doc sat down at his desk. He may be a hero, but that didn't pay the bills. He sacrificed another sick day so he could take care of Warlock and Angel's plan as soon as possible. Doc gives himself until he feels rejuvenated enough to go back out to get his work done.

By the time he regained his energy, he was practically done. I can finish this when I get back, he decided, standing up and grabbing his bag.


He sat up on a building not too far from Warlock's base. One leg dangled over the edge as he pondered what to do. Barging in wasn't an option- what if Warlock knocked him out again? Then he'd be back to where he started and who knows if Angel would help him out again.

Speaking of whom, Dynamight spotted him not too far from himself. He too was sitting on a building top but seemed lost in thought. Angel happened to glance his way and the two just stared at each other.

The villain acted first, jumping down the fire escape. Wasting no time, he too climbed down and found him in a narrow alleyway. He gently pushed him further in to make sure no one could see them.

"Why did you help me? Seriously," he quietly asked, one hand pressed against the wall over the shorter's shoulder.

Angel rolled his eyes. "Because I like you? I dunno. I mean, I was also feeling petty because of what Warlock did yesterday, and now I'm wondering if I still trust him? I know it kinda doesn't matter that he exposed my weakness but in the end, he still betrayed my trust. And I guess I did too by helping you." He had started to speak with sarcasm, but the more he rambled the faster it disappeared.

"Listen, I know that project you two are working on would make you immune to iron, but I'm going to destroy it. I can't have Warlock invincible," the hybrid admitted.

"I figured," he sighed, leaning against his arm. "Y'know what? I just don't wanna care right now. You're not gonna go out of your way to find and use iron against me."

Doc couldn't stop the teasing smile that formed on his face. "How do you know that?"

Shrugging, Angel draped his arms over his shoulders. "I just do."

His smile twitched as he leaned his head against his shoulder. "Why do I care so much," he whispered.

"Because you're an idiot," Angel whispered, his hands slipping away from him. "You should probably go before I change my mind."

Pulling away, Dynamight gazed at him for a moment before nodding.


Angel watched as he took off, immediately feeling a sense of guilt rise in his stomach. Should he really have let him get away without any sort of fight? His brain felt so scrambled to the point where he couldn't decipher his own thought process. I need to really think about everything, don't I? He thought before taking off in a different direction.


Sneaking into the building had proven to be difficult.

Dealing with technology-based traps is one thing, but when traps are made of magic Dynamight tends to struggle.

A lot.

It took a lot of time, patience, and his (albeit few) years of dealing with magic to get past all of the traps. Truly an interesting and exciting sequence of events that any author with more than two functioning brain cells could write but some would choose not to due to their lack of uploading.

Finally, Dynamight was in a familiar room.

And thankfully, the machine still wasn't finished.

Time to destroy this lovely piece of work.

Raising his palm level with the machine, he sucked in a breath.

However, unfortunately for him, the door opened and he found himself face to face with Warlock yet again.

"How nice of you to return so soon!" Despite the cheery tone, he was frowning and had one hand on his hip, the other keeping crystals afloat.

"Oh don't worry, I won't be sticking around for long," he assured with a smirk.

He blasted the device and quickly switched his arms to send another at Warlock. Quickly looking around, he spied the blueprints and snatched them whilst ducking a flying crystal.

As he made his getaway, he crumpled the plans in his palm and gripped them. With a mini-explosion, the blueprints turned to ash. He dropped them before giving Warlock a little wave and slipping out. 

I am SO SORRY it's been so long. I hit writer's block towards the end of this chapter and I wanted it to be more interesting but I just gave up. Next chapter is going to be one of my favorites to write so it's going to be far more interesting I swear

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