Chapter Twenty-Three: Find Your Humanity

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In complete horror, Doc found an entire block had already been leveled by Pharaoh. There were sirens blaring mixed with citizens screaming.

"Dynamight's here!" Someone excitedly shouted.

Suddenly he was surrounded by people.

"Where have you been?!"

"Pharaoh is going to destroy everything!"

"He went that way, you have to stop him!"

Gently he pushed his way through the crowd. "Everyone get to safety. I'm on it," he instructed. 


If Bdubs could afford to, he'd be sobbing his heart out.

Instead, he lightly sniffled.

But that broke into laughter.

"Just like that, huh? You're so willing to just throw me away?" He stared at the floor, sniffling between breaths of laughter.

Scar scoffed. "It's not like I have much use for you now anyways. You've become far too disobedient for my taste. Plus, in hindsight, you probably wouldn't have been able to handle becoming my superweapon."

Bdubs slowly looked up at him with a small smile. "It's been years and you still doubt my strength?" His grin widened and his eyes narrowed. "It's funny how dumb you are."

With the energy he didn't have, he managed to push himself to his feet. While Scar visibly debated what to do with him, he jumped over his cuffed hands to bring them forward and charged him.

He socked his cheek and when he stumbled backward kicked him between the legs. Once he dropped to his knees he kicked his gut.

If he wanted to kill Scar before he passed out, now would be the time.


Pharaoh was at least 15 feet tall. The large pendant hanging from his necklace was glowing and each time he drew sunlight towards it he gained an extra foot of height.

"Pharaoh! Stop this! You'll kill everyone at this rate!" Dynamight shouted from the rooftop of a nearby building.

The villain turned to him. "Those who survive will be worthy of my rule. May the weak perish," he spat. Raising a palm to the sky, clouds quickly covered the sun and swirled into a dark grey storm.

Doc barely dodged a flash of lightning striking at his feet. Backing up first, leaping into the edge of the building before leaping into the air, blasting the ground beside him to give an extra boost.

He quickly became level with Pharaoh's face and held out his palms. He mustered the biggest explosion he could to the point where he was knocked back in the air and landed on a different rooftop.

Thankfully it seemed to knock back the villain as well, but unfortunately, as he stumbled back he grabbed onto a nearby building for support, destroying the top floors.

"Aw, look what you made me do," he mocked, letting the rest of the building crumble. "I thought you didn't want more people to die."

Dynamight took a deep breath and jumped to his feet.

Most citizens in the area have evacuated, I'm sure not too many people were hurt, he assured himself.

"Listen, Pharaoh, I don't have time to deal with this!" He shouted, marching back towards him.

Pharaoh rolled his eyes. "Wow, sorry I'm not a worthy opponent like Warlock." Holding a palm to the sky, the giant villain dropped it to face him, sending multiple lightning bolts.

He frantically dodged them as best as he could, but one singed the end of his cape, another grazed his leg, cutting through his costume.

"Angel is dying!" He cried out. Thankfully the villain seemed to hesitate with summoning his tornado. "Don't you care?!"


Bdubs cried out as Scar punched his cheek, driving the iron rings on his fingers into his skin. He knocked Angel down and grasped his neck with one hand, the other holding his wrists above his head by the chain connecting the cuffs. Whimpering, tears dribbled down his cheeks as he gasped for air.

"I cared about you!" Warlock spat. "When your mother tried to kill you I was the only one there for you! I've always looked out for you and you never even tried to pay me back! You've always taken me for granted!"

"N-Not- No- Not true!" He gasped, struggling to free his hands and thrashing with his legs.

Warlock dug his nails into his skin. "You owe me your life."

He slowly stopped fighting against him. "I know," he murmured, taking heavy breaths through his nose. "I cared too. Y-You just- I-" Just as he hoped, Warlock slowly eased his grip. But it wasn't enough so he continued. "All anyone pays any attention to is you. I've just- I've been so jealous for so long and I thought-"

Scar scoffed. "And you thought separating yourself from me would help? Bdubs that has honestly been the worst decision you have ever made."

Swallowing, he turned his face to the side. "I know," he murmured. "But I can't go back now."

"That's right," Scar dramatically sighed. "You have to face the consequences of your mistakes. And that includes betraying me."

His fingers gently turned his face back so he'd look up at him.

"You know he's not coming back for you, right?" He whispered, the small layer of condescending not going unnoticed.

Bdubs dropped the act.

With Scar's hand gone from the chain, he reached up and pulled his collar down, and flipped them over. "I know," he truthfully agreed. Everything burned and ached, yet the adrenaline kept him conscious.


"Warlock did say he was going to torture Angel," Pharaoh slowly admitted. "But he said he wasn't going to kill him."

"But he is!" Dynamight insisted. "I- I'm... He's probably dying right now and you could help me stop him!" He knew Dr. Cub used to be a good person. All he had to do was hold on to the hope that at least some part of him still was.

Pharaoh leaned down and narrowed his eyes. "Warlock was right. You are in love with him."

His heart stopped but he held his expression. "Just because I don't want someone to die doesn't mean I love them," he slowly reasoned.

"Even if you somehow manage to work something out with him, it'll never last. Especially with someone like Angel," Pharaoh pointed out, completely ignoring his statement.


Doc was interrupted as he was swept up by a miniature twister and sent hurtling into the sky. Gritting his teeth, he was forced to wait it out until it faded away. When he began to fall, he used mini-explosions to guide himself towards the villain walking away.

He created another large blast aimed at the back of his head. When Pharaoh shouted and recoiled, Dynamight landed a hard kick, knocking him out.

He kept his balance on him as he fell to the ground and caught his breath.

Pharaoh wouldn't stay down for long.

He needed to strip away his powers.

However, the stone required was being held in a museum.

Dynamight's lair is on the way, I can save Bdubs now then quickly take out Pharaoh for good.

He just hoped he had enough time. 

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