Chapter Ten: What Are We?

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Climbing up to the top of a building, Dynamight stretched his arms up. He had just stumbled upon a small gang of skeletons attempting to rob a store. It had been a minute since he had to deal with a smaller crime, although he wasn't complaining about it.

As he continued to patrol the city whilst the sun was sinking, his chest tightened. Angel was sitting on a nearby roof, bracing himself on his forearms and gazing up at the sky.

Swallowing hard, he hopped over to the building and slowly approached him, though the villain didn't move. He didn't even glance his way, even as he sat beside him. "What're you doing?" he whispered.

"Waiting for the stars," he quietly replied, peeling his eyes away from the colorful sky to look at the hero. Dynamight blinked, unsure if the purple discolor of his skin partially hidden by his mask was real.

He gently crossed his arm over to hold his cheek, making sure his thumb didn't brush over the mark. Angel's eyes fluttered shut as he leaned into his touch. This certainly wasn't the first time he's seen the aftermath of Warlock taking his anger out on his sidekick, but he wished it'd be the last. (But he knew that wasn't going to be the case)

"I'm sorry," he murmured, scooting closer to wrap his other arm around his waist.

"Not your fault," Angel assured him with his eyes still closed. "It was my decision to set you free. And I didn't even try to stop you from destroying the machine."

"Did... did he find out?"

"No, but he still blamed me anyway. I honestly should've seen this coming." Frowning, Doc gently pulled his head forward to kiss his forehead. He assumed Angel was going to lean into his affection again, but instead he completely pulled away and hugged his knees.

Before he could ask what was wrong, the sidekick looked down, tucking his chin between his knees. "What are we? What am I to you?"

Glad to know I'm not the only one who wanted to have this conversation, he thought as he turned his body to properly face him. "Well..." he began, hesitantly reaching over to take one of his hands and laced their fingers together. "To me, you are someone I want to be with," Dynamight slowly and quietly confessed.

Angel stared at him, turning to face him as well and moving closer. "Seriously? And it doesn't bother you that I'm... y'know, a villain?" he whispered, squeezing his hand.

"Maybe it should, but to be honest it- it doesn't. I... somehow, even though it feels completely irrational, Angel, I think I'm in love with you and, to be honest it scares the hell out of me." He spoke so quietly, in fear of someone else hearing them, despite being completely alone with Angel.

Cracking a smile, the villain leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss against his lips. Squeezing his hand, Doc reciprocated, melting into the feeling. After finally admitting how he felt, it was as if a whole skyscraper was lifted off his chest.

When they parted, Angel leaned his forehead against him. "I love you too, so much," he murmured. "But I... if the media were to find out, if- if Warlock found out-"

"He won't," he assured him. "And the media won't either. Besides, they pay the most attention to Warlock than either of us."

Slowly sitting up straight, Angel stared at him with sparkling eyes. "So, would you want to try- try dating? Even though we don't know each other's identity? Even though we're on opposite sides?"

With his free hand, Doc held his jaw. "I think we can make it work," he laughed.

Angel pulled him into a tight hug.

He buried his face in his shoulder as he felt his heart race. There was more they needed to talk about, and there was more he wanted to say, but when they pulled apart, he couldn't stop himself.

Lips connected once again and suddenly Angel's back hit the roof floor. With their fingers still laced, Doc used his free hand to brace himself on his forearm beside Angel's face.

Angel used his free hand to slip his hand under his hood to grip his hair as their lips moved together. Suddenly, the brunette beneath him began to giggle. He pulled away a little and raised an eyebrow. "My boyfriend is a hero," he snorted. "My mother would be so proud." He sounded mildly sarcastic and Dynamight couldn't help but roll his eyes.

Before he could dip his head back down and continue, Angel threw him a curveball.

Slipping his hand from his hair, he hooked his thumb under his red mask and pushed it up, revealing a freckled-covered face. Wait, he's not going to want me to do the same, right? He wouldn't do that. He wouldn't.

His heart pounded as he realized who he was staring down.


Bdubs' serotonin levels were through the roof. He couldn't remember a time when he was this happy.

Dynamight loved him and agreed to go out with him, despite... everything. And yet, he couldn't help but worry that the hero still didn't trust him. There was no way he was going to tell Scar about this. As much as he craved global domination he would not hesitate to fight with every fiber of his being to protect Dynamight and their new relationship.

And so, to assure Dynamight that he could trust him, he gave up his identity. Of course, there was no way of telling if the hero would actually know him or not.

But then he blurted out, "I recognize you!"

So it worked out.

"Cool," he laughed, snaking his hand back into his hair. Now that they've established that, he'd very much like to get back to the part when they were making out.


"Hold on," Doc whispered. He stared at Bdubs' face, concern growing. He sat up a little so he could support himself and be able to lift his forearm from the ground. Once again he gently held his face, his thumb hovering over the bruise.

"It's really just a bruise. I've been put through worse," he quietly said. "Y'know, almost suffocating with my enemy, explosions, it's not that big of a deal."

"I still don't like it," the hybrid muttered, leaning back down to kiss his forehead. Letting go of his hand, he pulled him up and into his lap.

Bdubs' smile widened. "So next time we have to fight you'll go easier on me?"

He scoffed. "You wish I would." Laughing, Angel gently pulled the hood off and threaded his hand into his hair again.

Doc squeezed his waist as he kissed him.

Now it was his turn to be pushed down, the hand slipping out of his hair. When they parted, Angel exhaled through his nose as he laid against his chest. Dynamight watched as he looked up at the sky and followed his gaze.

"Stars are out now," the shorter one noted.

As selfish as it may be, he wished they could stay there and not have to worry about anything anymore. A part of him was still utterly terrified of what the future may bring. Would they be able to make this work? Only time would tell.

But for now, laying here, watching as his boyfriend moved with the rising and falling of his chest was enough. With a small smile, he stroked his hair and star-gazed with him. 

Nothing like some healthy communication to finally establish a romantic relationship with your enemy :)

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