Chapter Twenty-One: His Greatest Weakness

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Scar's palm faced up, his fingers dancing as a crystal slowly spun around in the air, bouncing up and down. He narrowed his eyes as he thought in his office, spinning side to side in his chair.

Pharaoh entered the room, gaining his attention. "Perfect, you're here," Warlock greeted, sitting up. Snapping his fingers, the crystal floated through the air towards Cub, dropping into his palm once he held his hand out. "What have you learned?"

"Your Spying Spell shows that Angel's cold is roughly on its last day. His powers are completely out leaving him the most naturally vulnerable he can be."

Humming, a smile spread across Warlock's face. "Perfect. Now, you prepare yourself." He gestured towards the crystal as he stood up and left the office.


Bdubs checked his phone and smiled as the light illuminated his face in his dark bedroom. Two days ago Doc had helped take care of him and ended up spending the night. He had to leave after making him breakfast but hadn't stopped sending him texts since.

And tonight was no different.

After sending a reply promising to get good sleep and drink water, he curled up under his blanket and closed his eyes.

Before he could drift off, he froze.

An all too familiar sound sent a shiver down his spine.

"Can this seriously not wait until morning, Scar?" He mumbled, slowly sitting up.

His former boss was standing in his bedroom doorway, tilting his head with a large smile. "I'm afraid I'm too impatient to wait, Bdubs."

The villain may not have his powers, but at least he had his knives.

Snatching one off his bedside table, he quickly threw it at Warlock, only for it to collide with the doorframe. A crystal was thrown back in realization, shattering against the arm he brought up to shield his face.

He muttered a curse as everything grew dark. Angel tried to fight it, but with his body still recovering it was too difficult to fight the darkness consuming his consciousness. 

A bite-sized chapter, if you will. Something nice, sweet, straight to the point before I slap y'all in the face next week with a nice serving of angst :D

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