Chapter Six: Flirting and Fighting

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For the first time since he was hired, Doc called into work claiming to be sick. Seeing as he's never done this before, his boss was both surprised and confused. He of course was given the day off but notified that his work may not get done for him.

The hero felt guilty, calling in like this. Especially when he wasn't actually sick. But he knew if he had gone into work he would've been responsible for some form of accident in the lab.

Stumbling to his couch, he half-hazardly dropped his phone onto the coffee table next to his police scanner before flopping on his back. With his head propped on the cushioned armrest, he stared blankly at his ceiling.

He kissed Angel. The person who was supposed to be his enemy. The person he's done nothing but fought against for the past couple of years. He never felt anything towards the other besides hatred for the longest time, because they were enemies.

This just doesn't make any sense, he thought to himself. Involuntarily, the scene replayed in his head, which only made things worse. His face grew warm and he covered his eyes with the back of his arm. I need to talk to him.

As if Angel himself was listening to his thoughts, suddenly the police scanner mentioned his name. The hybrid jumped to his feet and stared down the device.

" saying Angel broke into The Red Zone and stole an energy component..."

Despite knowing he'll most likely have to fight him, a stupid grin formed on his face as he rushed out.


Humming to himself, Angel clutched the bright gold device. It looked similar to a headlight on a car, but it was more round and a little heavier. After trapping cop cars and officers in giant bubbles he had made his breezy getaway. He doubted Dynamight would show face, especially after what happened yesterday. He probably regrets it, he thought as he gracefully touched down on a random building to catch his breath, as floating for a long time affected him like someone sprinting. But I don't.

His cheeks began to turn red, but he had to shake away the thought. He needed to focus if he wanted to be useful.

A thud behind him let him know he was wrong, and the hero had decided to show face.

"Angel," Dynamight greeted.

Slowly turning around, the villain flashed him a grin. "Dynamight."

"Do I need to even ask what that's for?" he said, nodding at the device in his hands.

"Oh, this thing?" he examined the energy source in his hands before looking up at the hero. "Yeah, it's just a little... gift for Warlock."

The hooded man slowly stepped towards him. "I think he can manage without it." Despite noticing how his fingers were twitching, signifying he was ready to attack at any moment, he kept his wide smile and stepped closer as well.

He slowly raised a hand and gently pressed his fingers against Dynamight's chest. "What, jealous I don't have anything for you?" he teased, leaning his face up. "Because I'd be more than happy to give you something." He watched in amusement as he could see his cheeks flush under the mask.

One of the taller's hands awkwardly found its way on his waist. "Listen, about what happened yesterday," he slowly began.

Rolling his eyes, the villain pulled back. "Yeah, yeah I get it. You think it was a mistake and all that." Stepping backward, he held out an outstretched hand with his palm up. When he raised his hand, a small bubble he had placed on the other's chest expanded, completely encompassing him inside the yellow sphere.

The tall brunette frantically began to look around and stumbled as Angel lifted him into the air. "Since when could you do this?!" he protested, though his voice was partially muffled.

He just smiled and waved goodbye, spinning on his heel to make his escape.

"I don't regret it!" The lighter brunette paused at the statement and slowly turned around.

Dynamight's hands were pressed against the wall of the bubble, his fingers digging into it. Marching back over, Angel beckoned the bubble over with his finger.

"Are you telling the truth?" he asked in a low voice.

"Yes," he firmly answered. Narrowing his eyes as his cheeks grew warm, he snapped his fingers and the bubble popped, dropping Dynamight to the ground. Before he could get up, he pushed his shoulder and kneeled over him. As he slipped the device into his boot, Dynamight's fingers grazed the bottom of his chin, guiding him close as he softly kissed him.

The same, warm fuzzy feeling bloomed his chest and he completely melted into the touch.

When they pulled apart, Angel kept his eyes close as their foreheads were pressed together.

"You know I'm still going to fight you," the darker brunette whispered, his words brushing against his lips.

"I know," he hummed, a sly smile forming on his face. He braced himself as Dynamight threw him off him. Tumbling in the air, he managed to catch himself. An explosion was blasted at him, but he twisted midair while pulling a dagger from the scabbard on his back. Shooting himself closer to his enemy, he sliced the dagger at him, but his arm was caught and held up.

"You are just full of surprises today, aren't you?" he said with a scoff. Twisting his arm free, he made a clean slice down from his shoulder to his chest. Although the hero winced, it wasn't deep, but enough to cut through his suit and part of his coat and caused some blood to trickle down his torso.

Angel winced as well, immediately feeling guilty. However, Dynamight just flashed him a grin and sent him flying once again.

"You're going soft on me?" he teased. Feeling more relaxed, Angel matched his smile and gripped his dagger. As he hurled it through the air, he sent a swarm of bubbles alongside it. The hero was so focused on dodging the bubbles, he miscalculated the trajectory of the knife as it collided with his shoulder. Some bubbles popped on him, inflicting more pain. Hissing in pain, he pulled out the knife and threw it back.

The sidekick threw two bubbles at the weapon, catching it. He closed in on him as he wiped the blood off with his cape. Sheathing his weapon, he raised Dynamight's chin, the hood slipping off his head.

"I'm not, but maybe you are," he teased. The taller placed a hand against his chest and tensed his arm. Oh shit. He squeaked as he hastily raised his legs, narrowly avoiding collision with an explosion. Using his extended arm, the hero knocked into his gut to throw him off balance.

He wasn't given a chance to react to the hit because Dynamight then moved his hand up and gripped his shirt at the shoulder. He slammed his back on the roof floor, using his forearm to hold him down.

The two stayed there - Dynamight kneeling over Angel as he caught his breath - and just stared at each other. "Ready to give up?" he asked with a smirk.

"Am I?" the shorter cooly responded. When he saw the hero's eyes drift towards his boots, he scoffed. Raising his hand he turned the hero's face back towards him, the hood slipping off. As he rubbed his cheek with his thumb, the arm pressing against him slowly lifted, allowing him to lean up. The two maintained eye contact as the villain closed the gap between them.

But at the last second, his enemy's eyes slipped to his lips and he grinned. He was practically sitting up at this point, so it was easy to push the taller down and startle him. Their lips barely grazed as he jumped to his feet. He trapped Dynamight in a new bubble and after winking and blowing him a kiss he took off.


Blushing furiously, Doc huffed as he yanked his hood back on. Screw that guy, he thought. He looked down at his robotic hand and thought for a moment. He sunk his grey fingers into the bubble as best as he could, attempting to rip away the walls of his spherical prison.

Thankfully, it worked. He didn't want to know what would happen if he attempted to blast through it. 

"Can't believe he got away," he muttered after looking around. Remembering he was slightly bleeding, he touched the cut on his chest. It stung a little but ultimately wasn't too bad. His shoulder on the other hand? Well, he'd definitely have to patch that up. To be fair it could've been worse

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