Chapter Twenty: Cancelling Plans

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All Dynamight had to do was take a step forward. The four, gangly zombies taking an equal step back into the narrow, dark alley, as if an invisible wall was pushing them in. Sparks threatening an explosion bounced around his partially open organic hand.

"We'll rise up again!" The second zombie from Doc's left piped up. "Our boss will break out and you'll be sorry.

He raised an eyebrow, though he knew they couldn't see. "I'll be sorry?" He echoed.

The zombie all the way to the right clenched his fists. "You think you're some kind of hero, huh? Threatening defenseless citizens like this? You've got no physical proof of-"

The hero cut him off with a light laugh. "Right, right." In a flash he grabbed the zombie's shirt collar, dragging him close. "You've run away for the last time. As we speak, all that you've-"

A phone rang.

Doc's phone.

Still having a firm grasp on the zombie's shirt, he pulled it out. His eyes lit up at Bdubs' caller ID popping up on his screen and he answered.

"Hey! Everything okay?" He asked.

When the zombie began to wriggle under his hold, he shoved him against the wall and let him collapse. Meanwhile, he heard Bdubs' voice come through the speaker, though it sounded nasally and closed up. "I'm sorry, I know you said we could finally go on that date tomorrow, but I'm gonna have to cancel. I got a cold."

When the gang member tried to sneak away he kicked him, colliding his body with the other members.

"That's okay, it's not your fault!" He insisted. "Do you need anything? I could bring soup?"

He heard a sneeze and sounded like he had moved the phone away. "Don't worry about me, it's just a cold."

"Can someone like you really get 'just a cold'?" Doc thought of when he last got sick, which was a few years ago. It was just a little cough and a stuffy nose, and yet every time he sneezed his body felt like a breathing bomb, charring anything within a two feet radius. His strength would flux. One minute he was too weak to sit up, the next he broke his counter by placing his hand on it.

Bdubs had paused to sneeze more.

"Well, it's not so bad," he grumbled. "I mean, I kinda can't touch the floor of my apartment, but it's fine."

"Sure, sure. I'll see you in ten," he responded, ignoring the rather rude comment that followed with a smile.

However, once his phone had returned to its rightful pocket, his smile faded. "Now, where were we?"


Bdubs scrunched up his face as he tried to swat the bubbles out of his face. He couldn't control them like he usually could, as those abilities were blocked by his sickness. He also tried to drop down to the ground, but he was still stuck in the air despite his best efforts. At least, he was stuck until he let out five sneezes in a row. Sure more bubbles had appeared in his apartment, but luckily he had dropped to the ground.

There was a knock at his door and he rolled his eyes, ignoring the smile that formed on his face.

"I brought soup!" Doc said when the door was opened, holding up a shopping bag weighed down by a few cans.

"Thanks," Bdubs spoke softly, a tiny smile on his face as he let him in.

The hybrid looked around his place. "Love what you've done with the place. Really speaks to your abilities, huh?" He teased, flicking one of the bubbles.

Bdubs hummed, trudging over to his couch and flopping onto his back.

"How're you feeling?" Doc murmured, carefully brushing back his hair and pressing a kiss to his forehead.

"Like shit." His eyes fluttered shut at the affection. He listened to the sound of his boyfriend moving around the couch to sit near his waist, the back of his cold, robotic hand touching his forehead.

He quietly hummed, the cooling sensation relaxing him. "That's nice," he murmured.

However, he wasn't able to relax for very long, as he felt something build up in his throat.

Bdubs quickly sat up, leaning forward as he coughed and gagged. Doc rubbed circles on his back as a flurry of bubbles poured out of his mouth. Once it had passed, he grumbled nonsense and leaned against the hero.

"Soup?" Doc quietly asked, moving his hand up to smooth his hair back. He nodded and slowly lied back down. Doc placed a blanket over him as he curled up, squeezing his eyes shut.

"If I start floating don't worry about it," he mumbled.


When Angel said he might float, Doc had assumed he meant hovering over the couch.

But, no.

Just as the soup was reaching perfection, he heard a bump.

Turning around, he covered his mouth, laughing.

The blanket was slipping off Bdubs as he had bumped into the ceiling. Angel raised his head, hitting the hard surface, and immediately woke up.

"Wh-? Oh c'mon!" He whined. Doc turned off the stove as he walked over to him. His sick boyfriend made grabby-hands and he giggled. He pulled him down, feeling his resistance against his grip.

"Do I have to attach an anchor to you?" He teased, kissing his forehead. While the shorter one maneuvered to wrap himself around him from behind, he headed back into the kitchen to serve up a bowl of soup.

He held a spoonful over his shoulder, to which Bdubs eagerly accepted. The villain held the spoon in his mouth, using it to poke Doc's cheek while he placed the bowl at the counter. "You can get off now," Doc grinned, peeling a hand off of him to kiss it.

"I uh, might need a little help," he reminded him.

Once Bdubs had shifted to be clinging on from the front, Doc sat at the counter, holding Bdubs in his lap. He rested his chin on top of his head, feeling content while the other ate his food. For a moment, his boyfriend turned his head away and sneezed, and Doc no longer felt him trying to lift from his lap.

The hybrid moved his head to rest on his shoulder, tilting a bit to look at the villain's face. "Do you want me to let you go now?"

His nose was booped with the handle end of the spoon. "Only if you want to," Bdubs shrugged before continuing to eat. "I don't mind sitting like this."


After he ate, Angel flopped back onto his couch, although this time he used Doc's lap as a pillow, while the cyborg creeper pressed his cold robotic hand to his forehead.

"Is this all I'm good for now? Your breathing ice pack?" Doc teased, rubbing his thumb on his forehead. Bdubs simply hummed, his eyes closed as he relaxed.

And yet, once again, just when he thought he could fall asleep, he hastily sat up and clutched the blanket. He gagged up more bubbles. Thankfully it didn't hurt, but it still felt weird and left a horrible taste in his mouth.

He took a few deep breaths before slowly laying back down. "You alright?" Doc murmured, continuing to rub his thumb on his forehead.

"I'm okay, I'm okay," he muttered. He slightly smiled as his boyfriend leaned down, moving his hand for only a moment so he could kiss Bdubs' forehead. "Thank you for coming over, I guess."

Doc chuckled. "No problem. And I'll stay here as long as you need."

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