Chapter Fourteen: He'll Never Love You

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Angel stood next to Warlock atop the large warehouse, Dynamight across from them. He wore a small yet conniving smile as he manipulated a bubble in front of him, which was holding a small device captive.

"Strange," Warlock said, slicing through the silence. "I didn't expect you to heal so fast."

Dynamight scoffed, cocking his head a little. "What? Didn't think I'd treat myself before escaping your little base?"

The sound of his boss slapping his cheek was almost deafening. He stopped moving the bubble around, and just stood there, his face turned away as the sting tingled his face. Bdubs knew it was red, but he knew it wouldn't last. He also knew that Doc immediately regretted his lie, but he didn't blame him.

"Not only did he escape when you were supposed to be watching him, but he also stole from us?" Warlock hissed.

"Sorry Warlock," he quietly apologized.

Grabbing his chin, Scar yanked his face back to stare him down. "Are you? Prove it." Letting go of him, he relaxed his shoulders and turned back to Dynamight.

Blinking, Bdubs took a small breath and followed, looking back up to his boyfriend.

You dumbass, always so obvious, he scolded, seeing how pissed off he looked.

A smirk formed on his boss' face. "So, how can we help you today?"

"I am going to blast you across this city and leave with that energy source," he quietly threatened, stepping closer.

"Oh, are you now? What makes you think you can?"

He watched as Doc's fingers twitched, sparks forming in his palm. "What're you two up to?" The hero demanded.

Ignoring his question, Warlock turned back to him. "Angel," he sweetly asked, caressing his jaw. "Be a dear and take care of him will you?"

His smile widened as he pulled the dagger free from the scabbard on his back. "Of course." Twirling the knife he marched towards the hooded hybrid. Although Doc extended an arm, sending an explosion his way, he jumped into the air to dodge.

A flurry of bubbles surrounded him and flew towards the hero, masking where his knife was and when he threw it. He hummed as he heard Dynamight hiss in pain and found the knife had collided right below his shoulder. He yanked it out and tossed it aside.

He'll be fine, don't worry about it, don't worry.

Bdubs did his best to act normally, as he reached under his skirt and pulled out the second knife. He fell to the ground in front of Dynamight, attempting to slash at him.

Dynamight huffed as he dodged and blocked his attacks. More bubbles formed around them as the taller grabbed his forearm. He leaped into the air and twisted free of his grip. Dropping back down, he rapidly spun the bubbles around him to disorient him.

"You need to up your game," he teased, finding it entertaining to watch him try to shoo them away.

Stepping aside, he made room for Warlock to toss over more sleeping crystals, which he did. But what he didn't see coming was the hand on his back, pushing him into the mist. He uttered a curse as he stumbled forward, his body absorbing the magic.

Bdubs tried to regulate his breathing, but he swayed side to side. Weakly, he looked up at Warlock, who seemed only mildly concerned. He felt Dynamight seize his arm and he blinked up at him. Gently, he was pulled, and he allowed himself to collapse against his chest and close his eyes. His dagger slipped from his grasp, clattering against the floor.

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