Chapter Two: The Family Farm

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 Doc walked down the street with his hands stuffed in his jean pockets. He was still feeling bitter about his enemies getting away so easily yesterday, and confused as to what they were doing. I'll have to call Xisuma later. He figured as he entered his favorite coffee shop.

A new barista was there, and the hybrid overheard him complaining about having to cover a morning shift. As much as Doc didn't want to admit it, he was cute. His brunette hair was held back by a red bandana, and he had heterochromia- a green and a brown eye. Freckles were sprinkled all over his face and arms and a glance at his nametag revealed he was called 'Bdubs'.

"What can I get for ya?" he asked.

"One medium black coffee for Doc, please."


He stepped out of the coffee shop, a part of him wondering if he'd see that barista again. But the cute brunette would have to wait. He made his way to the subway station and began the long ride, of course not without the usual anxiety of 'what if there's an attack and I'm not there to stop it'.

Doc couldn't stop thinking about the day before, an image of Angel flinching flashing in his mind. What's wrong with him? He's been fighting the two for years, so why did it suddenly bother him?

Stop, don't think about that. He scolded himself as he arrived at his destination and crushed the cup in his hand.


His mother was there, standing outside her old beat-up truck. Her dark brunette hair was pulled back into a ponytail, a few loose strands framing her face.

"I heard on the news about the fight yesterday. I know you've been doing this for a while but I still can't help but worry every time," she sighed as they began the drive towards the goat farm.

"I know, but please try not to worry Mother, I'm okay, I swear," he assured her with a light laugh.

"Yes, yes I know, you're all grown up, you're a big man now. Oh, it feels like only yesterday you were accidentally blowing up my rose garden and carrying goats around like stuffed bears. But alas, my Doc isn't six anymore," the older creeper reminisced, a smile tugging on her face.

Doc remembered as well- when his parents realized he had strange abilities. His mother could create explosions too, but neither of his parents had the super strength that he did.

Finally, they arrived at the farm and the two climbed out.

"Your father is around here somewhere..." she muttered. As they passed by different stables and fenced-in groups of goats, Doc would pause to pet the ones who trotted up to the gate. "Oh! Here he is, sweeping the barn!"

His father looked up and smiled, resting the broom against the wall. "Good to see you, Son. Ready to get some work done?" he asked after pulling away from a giant hug.

"You know it!" Doc grinned.


As he sat on a stool, brushing a goat's fur, his mind kept drifting off to Warlock and Angel. What're they planning this time? If I could just find their new base maybe this would be easier. And what does Xisuma have that they want?

"So how's work going for you? Working in the lab not too hard?" his father asked.

"Yeah, not too hard," he answered while his mind continued to wander off.

As if sensing his worries, his dad pulled up a stool and sat down next to him, taking a brush and helping him with one of the goats. "What's wrong?" he asked, his forehead creasing.

Doc let out an exasperated sigh, resting his arms on his legs and lowering his head. The goat in front of him trotted away, but another wandered over and affectionately headbutted him.

"Just... hero stuff I guess," he grumbled, raising his head to pet and brush the goat. "I have no idea what's going on, and if Xisuma doesn't tell me then how am I supposed to save everyone?"

The creeper placed a hand on his shoulder and gave it a soft squeeze. "Hey, I'm sure you won't be left in the dark much longer. But if you are, I have full faith you'll be able to figure it out on your own," he assured him.

Smiling at his father, he nodded. As luck would have it, his phone rang. He mumbled an apology to the older before stepping out of the pen and away from the animals to answer.

"Xisuma, is something wrong?" he asked. Normally, he doesn't give out his number to anyone as a hero, but because he constantly found himself aiding X, he gave it to him. Plus Doc never met the guy in his civilian form, so he was fine with doing so.

"No, no, I just wanted to say thank you for saving my employees yesterday. And I'm sure you have questions." The hybrid gripped his phone out of anticipation. The other male's voice was calm and steady, but there were hints of nervousness threaded in.

"Damn right I have questions. The hell was Warlock talking about? What new contraption have you come up with this time?" he asked. When he was met with silence, he began to pace back and forth, the warm sun becoming less welcoming and more irritable.

He heard X sigh, and could perfectly imagine him rubbing his temple with his lips pressing into a thin line. "Maybe... Maybe I should just stop trying to come up with helpful inventions. Every time they're twisted into something awful and it's my fault."

The hero was never great at comforting people, or assuring them that everything's okay. Which was ironic to him, seeing as superheroes tend to be symbols of hope and comfort. "Xisuma," Doc spoke slowly, not wanting to mess something up. "It's not your fault Warlock is lazy and can't come up with things on his own. Your inventions are helpful. Now please, what did you come up with this time?" He glanced over his shoulder at the sound of footsteps, only to find his mother coming over with a glass of cold water for him. She stayed away, noticing his phone, and gave a smile.

"Thank you again for helping out, Dynamight. I'm sorry I-" he interrupted himself with a heavy sigh. "I'll talk to you later, alright?" Before Doc could protest he hung up. He shoved his phone into his pocket and it took every ounce of self-control he had to stop himself from causing severe damage to the property.

Appearing beside him, his mom pressed the cold glass into his hand. Because she was around his height, she was able to easily smooth back his hair, unlike his father who was only up to his nose. "Just because you're a hero doesn't mean you have to save everyone by yourself. No one asked you to take on such a heavy responsibility," she softly reminded him.

"You heard me talking to Father?" he asked as he chugged down half the water.

"No, he told me." She kissed his head before going back to tending to some goats.

He stared at the water left in the glass, swirling it around in frustration. "Why do things have to be so vague and complicated?" he muttered.

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