Chapter Four: A Realization

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Doc's eyes stung with exhaustion. He was hunched over his desk, elbows propped up. He gripped his hair as he recounted last night's events for the fifth time that day. For some reason, he still didn't quite understand why he was so adamant about talking with him. At least he didn't have to go into work today, because Doc was positive he'd cause an accident.

Leaning back in his chair, he slowly drew a hand over his face. Every time he shut his eyes, Angel's sparkling green and brown eyes were staring back at him. Suddenly, he could perfectly remember the sound of his soft and bubbly - no pun intended - laughter he'd release when they'd fight.

With his charisma, I bet he'd make a great hero. The hybrid found himself thinking. He sat up straight and rubbed circles into his temple. Stop. You've been fighting him for years, why is it suddenly different? It shouldn't be.

His heart twisted in his chest as he wasn't able to stop himself, Angel's smirk as he had him backed against the wall burned into his memory. How the shorter pushed himself off the wall, closing the gap between them. Inhaling sharply, he took out his frustration on his desk, pounding his fist as hard as he could on the surface. It split in half, collapsing in front of him.

"FUCK, I like him!" he hybrid loudly cursed and his face flushed. He stood up and began cleaning up the desk he just obliterated.


Running a hand over the dark oak desk, Doc contemplated his options. His original plan was to just buy the same desk, but now that he was here at Odea, the other designs seemed so appealing.

"Need any help?" He turned around to find an employee standing there. His freckled face, red bandana, and heterochromia eyes were extremely familiar. A glance at the nametag confirmed his suspicions; it was Bdubs, the guy from the coffee shop.

"Ah, no, thank you I'm all set," he mumbled. Something about the shorter brunette's gaze made him wildly self-conscious, but thankfully the employee simply smiled and nodded before walking away.

He settled on a black desk with silver legs and took the box home.


While he was building the desk, he turned on his police scanner, just in case. Although it wasn't until he was on installing the last leg when something caught his attention. One of Xisuma's employees had called in- their boss had been snatched from his office and someone set off the silent alarm in a warehouse.

This had to be Warlock and Angel again.

Angel... Standing up, Doc took a deep breath. I can face him, this is fine.


Once at the warehouse, Dynamight scanned the situation from the skylight. Sure enough, Warlock and Angel had a captive Xisuma tied up. It felt like a trap, but there wasn't much else he could do. The sound of police sirens made him jump and he cursed under his breath.

Tugging on his hood, he jumped down, landing on a support beam. The noise echoed through the building, alerting his enemies.

"So nice of you to show up Dynamight!" Warlock called out, eyes still on his hostage. He swung off the beam, landing on a storage container before dropping to the ground.

"What're you two up to?" he growled. His eyes flickered between the two, though he found himself refusing to look at Angel for too long. However, he did notice the bandages on his hands had disappeared.

"Oh y'know, just... shopping," Warlock smirked.

"Face," Dynamight called out. A simple code word he created because poor X always found himself in these situations. Since his hands were tied behind his back, Xisuma curled up, burying his face in his lap. In a swift motion, he tossed out smoke bombs. Warlock attempted to cover his face and Angel simply jumped back and into the air. He quickly sized the hostage by the arm and easily broke the rope that bound him. Thankfully they were near an emergency exit and Xisuma was able to get out.

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