Chapter Five: Stolen Kisses and Sharpened Knives

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Angel felt unreasonably ticked off. He quickly followed Dynamight, running after him before just floating in front of his face. "Don't want to hurt me?" he echoed. "What, so you do think I'm weak? Is that it?"

The hooded hero looked up at him, only to tug his hood down and walk around him. Crossing his arms, the shorter huffed as he watched him hop onto another building. He continued to follow like a spirit haunting him.

"If you think so just say it," he muttered. When the hero stayed silent, he moved closer and began to poke his cheek through his hood. Dynamight seemed to have gotten fed up, as he grabbed his wrist and shot him a glare.


He pouted, lowering in the air so they were eye-level. "Then tell me the truth; did you lie to me the other day? Do you actually think I'm too weak to fight you?"

Sighing, he let go of Angel and took a step back. "No, I didn't lie, I promise I don't think you're weak."

"Oh really?" he landed on the ground and placed his hands on his hips. "Then how come you don't fight me? What do you mean you don't want to hurt me? You don't make sense!" The light brunette threw his hands up in frustration.

The other looked away. "I don't owe you an explanation," he scoffed. Narrowing his eyes, Angel lifted his feet off the ground and floated over.

"Ya kinda do. Here we are, enemies, just... talking? You refuse to fight me and I feel like I should know why," he pushed, leaning his head to try and get even a glimpse at Dynamight's face. He ended up jumping as the hero whipped his head around to face him. His hood slipped back, allowing him a glimpse of his reddening face.

"Just, stop it!" he shouted. Angel blinked, flinching slightly. "I just don't want to fight you, alright? I don't want to hurt you, I- recently- you don't deserve-" he kept tripping over his words, leaving the other more confused than before.

"What?" He planted his feet back on the ground and just blinked at him.

Sighing, Dynamight drew a hand over his face. "I don't want to because I don't think I can bring myself to fight you," he slowly explained.

Angel let out a tired laugh. "That still doesn't make any sense!"

"I'm trying!" he insisted. "Words are just... hard."

The shorter brunette shook his head. God, he's so cute right now. "Is it because you'd rather focus on fighting Warlock? Or am I not evil enough for you or something?" Turning around, he realized he wasn't too far from their next location. Speaking of, I still need those building plans so I can break in...

"N-No! That's- Angel," Dynamight grabbed his arm, making him turn back around.

Never in the years he's known the hero did he think he'd see him look so... desperate? That can't be the right word. The mask covered his eyes with red lenses, but he could tell his cheeks were burning. There was something he wanted to say.

"Angel, what you said to me, about me, back with the Totem. Is that... still true?" he asked, his voice so quiet he hardly heard him.

His heart began to pound inside his chest as Dynamight let go of him. He felt his face grow warm. Is he serious? Is he... implying what I think he's implying? Disbelief was overpowered with the hope and happiness he allowed himself to feel.

Before he knew it, he was grabbing Dynamight's hood and pulling him down. He pressed against his lips and loosened his hold on the hood. Fireworks exploded in his chest at the warm yet bittersweet feeling. Angel felt the taller's hand touch his and slowly move up his arm. Afraid he was going to be thrown again, he completely let go and pulled away.

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