Chapter Twenty-Five: The Final Fight

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"Yikes, who's gonna clean all this up?" Bdubs snickered when the pair finally arrived on the scene.

It seemed like Pharaoh had only just woken up by the time they got there. Dynamight felt slightly relieved he hadn't missed much, but seeing so much destruction around felt like a sack of boulders sitting in his gut.

Angel lightly nudged his arm, noticing his silence. "Hey, we've got this."

Looking down at him, he cracked a small smile. "Yeah, we do," he murmured, momentarily getting lost in his bright expression. Rolling his eyes in response, Angel pushed his jaw so he'd go back to looking ahead.

With a deep breath, he watched as Cub raised a palm to the sky, drawing beams of light through the clouds. "Are you ready?" He whispered.

Lips pressed against his cheek and he looked over once again to see Bdubs' manic smile. "You know it." With a small smile of his own, Doc watched him launch into the air. As he ascended into the air, Dynamight lept off the building as well, using controlled explosions to boost him towards Pharaoh.

"Back for more?" Pharaoh taunted once he spotted him.

"Funny, if I remember correctly; last time ended with you knocked out," he shot back with a grin, landing on a building in front of him.

Clicking his tongue, Pharaoh redirected rays of sunlight directly into his face. He raised a metal arm to shield his eyes, and just as he peeked he saw the side of a fist flying down towards him.

His knees bent further and he braced himself to catch, but instead a bubble formed around Pharaoh's fist, and was sent back up in the air.

"Last I checked, it was my job to kill Dynamight," Angel called out.

The two looked over and found him hovering above Pharaoh, just behind him with a familiar smirk on his face. "How would Warlock feel if you ruined his plans?" He continued to taunt.

Pharaoh gritted his teeth. "Either you help me or you stay out of this," he demanded.

Bdubs nodded. "Uh-huh, yeah, sure." Snapping his fingers Pharaoh's fist dropped back towards the building, but it only collided with the roof, as Doc had moved out of the way.

Moving quickly, Doc jumped up on his hand and sprinted up his arm. The large enemy tried to shake him off so he boosted himself off the ground, causing him to flinch in pain from the burns left behind and drove his foot into his cheek.

A bubble formed around him and pulled him up away from Pharaoh. Bdubs moved him out of the way as he showered Cub with what he assumed were acidic bubbles.

"How can you help him?!" Cub protested between cries of pain. "He's our enemy!"

He gave no answer, instead safely dropping Doc on the nearby building so he could pull out three smoke bombs and toss them up to Bdubs, who wrapped them in one bubble and thrusted it towards Cub.

It popped in his face, clouding his vision.


By the time Pharaoh fanned the smoke Angel's knife was headed straight for his forehead. Alas, the villain smacked him to the side as if he was nothing more than a small, pestering bug.

He caught himself as he tumbled through the air, taking a moment to regain his balance. Pharaoh had refocused on Dynamight and smashed the roof. The hero picked up a large chunk of the cracked roof and threw it at his face.

Flinching, he took a step back, almost bumping into Bdubs.

As boring as it was, Angel knew he had to.

So he flew directly above Cub and raised the glowing stone to bask in rays of sunlight. Lowering the stone to face Cub, the light reflected onto him. It wrapped around him, shrinking him and lifting him into the air while he shouted protests.

When the last rays of light dispersed, Bdubs grabbed his shirt collar to keep him from falling. "We need to talk," he whispered. Looking down at the hero awaiting them, he added, "Just give me one second."

He brought Cub down towards Doc.

But as the hero walked towards them, presumably about to begin some long speech about how he had 'made the wrong choice' or 'will need to think about what he did wrong in prison'. However, Bdubs didn't have time to hear it and encompassed him in a bubble and shot him up into the air.

Letting go of Pharaoh he turned to him and crossed his arms.

"We don't have much time so I'm making this quick; I'm officially cutting myself off from Warlock and for now, I'll let him rot in jail. But you, if you agree to my deal we talked about before, and if you trust me, I'll let you walk away. And when you're needed, I'll give you the stone," he explained.

Cub thought for a moment, narrowing his eyes. "And you're sure it will work?"

"Positive. It'll take some more time, but it will," he insisted. Bdubs had never felt more sure of a plan in his life, as nervous as it made him in regards to Doc.

"Then deal." Cub extended a hand and they shook.

Angel grinned. "Great. Now, get out of here before the authorities show up."

Once his ally had disappeared down the fire escape, he flicked his pointer finger down, pulling the hero back down from the sky.

"What the hell was that about?!" Dynamight shouted once Angel popped the bubble. "Why would you let him get away?!"

"Do I seriously have to remind you?" He scoffed. Walking up to him, he tapped his chest with the stone. "I'm a supervillain, gorgeous. It's what we do." His smile grew as he saw the flush color peeking through from under the mask.

Doc placed his hand over Bdubs for a moment, before taking the stone. "I should have you arrested," he muttered.

"I'd like to see you try," Angel giggled before reaching up to kiss his cheek. He bounced backward and winked before darting towards the edge of the building and took off into the sky.

The villain deeply inhaled. The air never felt fresher. Bdubs never felt so hopeful.

After all, he was free.

It's been a while, huh? Sorry about that! Anyways this was the final chapter, but there is an epilogue, which if all works out will come out next week! There's going to be an important author's note after it regarding the sequel! 

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