Chapter Eight: Weakness

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 As much as he didn't want to admit it, seeing the two villains act close pissed off Dynamight more than the fact that he was rendered helpless. He was absentmindedly clawing at the bubble with what little movements he could make with his hands, but it was useless. He narrowed his eyes as Warlock had to move around Angel to grab a tool, specifically because he chose to put his hands on his waist as he did so.

Then, when the tan male was holding a panel in place while Warlock screwed it in place, his free hand was pressed against his back.

A few minutes later, Angel was leaning over the workbench, studying the blueprint. Warlock came up from behind and rested his chin on his shoulder. Although he couldn't hear what they were talking about, he was fuming. If he wasn't sure about his feelings before, he definitely was now.

He peeled his eyes away from the two to glance over his shoulder at his restraints. They were big, chunky pieces of metal that started at his wrists and climbed to a little under half of his forearm. How the hell am I supposed to break these? When he looked back up, he wished he hadn't.

The shorter villain was leaning his head against Warlock.


Bdubs wasn't oblivious.

He could tell Warlock had started to get more... touchy than usual, but he didn't know exactly why.

That was, until, Warlock came up behind him and placed his head on his shoulder. "So I was right," the taller one murmured. Angel glanced over at him, confused.

"Is this about your 'theory'?"

Warlock nodded as his lips curled into a smile. "I think our friend over there has a little crush. On you."

His heart stopped out of pure fear.

Dynamight you idiot, he thought to himself. "Wha- Why? A-Are you sure?" he sputtered.

Scar chuckled. "Awe do you find it embarrassing? But yeah, I'm sure."

"Well what am I supposed to do with this information?" he grumbled, trying to focus on the plans.

"Gonna be honest here; I just want to see how angry we can make him," he snickered.

Bdubs thought for a moment. Every time he saw the opportunity to poke a bear with a stick he always jumped on it. Especially when that bear was Dynamight. He leaned his head against Warlock's and grinned. "Sure, why not?" I'll bet he gets so cute when he's jealous.


Every time Angel snuck a glance at the bubble, his smile grew. It was sweet to see him so jealous. To him, that was his way of knowing that Dynamight did care about him. The thought warmed him.

Pulling him ever so closer by the waist, Warlock whispered into his ear, "I'm going to step out of the room for a minute, I'll be right back. You should try and get him to talk to you. Also, just connect him to the floor." And without even glancing at the bubble, he walked out of the room.

The moment the door closed, Angel finally turned around to face him. Dynamight opened his mouth to say something, but he put a finger to his lips. Walking over, he motioned the bubble down and popped it with a snap.

He waited until he heard Warlock walk away before exhaling and kneeling to connect his cuffs to the metal loop in the floor.

"Are you two always like that?" the hero muttered.

"You need to stop being so obvious," he hissed, sitting on his knees in front of him. "Warlock figured out you like me and wants us to use it against you." He watched his face fall into dismay.

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