Chapter Fifteen: Stop Me Before I Kill You

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Bdubs picked at his fingernail as he stiffly sat next to Scar. They had taken a break from rebuilding the device, so he had gone to the couch in the far room to relax. What he didn't expect was for Scar to join him and sit next to him, his arm wrapped around his waist. The wizard was using a communication crystal to speak with their ally who they helped a year ago.

Maybe he should've been focusing on the conversation, but he couldn't hear anything except for his thoughts screaming at him to say something. Warlock's fingers dug into his side as he got noticeably more annoyed.

Once he was done speaking with Pharaoh, he tucked the crystal away. Letting out a heavy sigh, he pulled him into his lap and wrapped his arms around him. "Make me feel better," he demanded, squeezing him as he hooked his chin on his shoulder.

Angel swallowed thickly, hesitating for a moment before gently rubbing his knee in a circular motion.

"Why are you so tense? I'm the one who has to deal with all this," Scar grumbled.

Apologizing with a light laugh, he leaned back into his chest and relaxed as best as he could. "Don't worry, it's all going to be worth it in the end," Bdubs assured him, looking up to smile at him.

Exhaling sharply, Warlock dug his fingers into his sides again. "The moment we've used the machine we're killing Dynamight. I'm getting tired of this back and forth, it isn't fun anymore." His heart stopped, but he refused to show it on his face.

"Do you really think we'll be strong enough to kill him?" He quietly asked, looking back down.

A kiss was pressed to the back of his head and it was hard not to grimace. "Oh don't worry. I've found some new magic that'll help you take him down." He pushed him to the side as he abruptly got up and Bdubs only assumed he should follow.

He waited in the main area of the base as Scar pulled from the magically-sealed storage room a brown chest. Inside were a few dark amber crystals.

Guiding one out to float between them, Scar smiled. "This will heighten your aggression levels and essentially let you go full feral mode. Dynamight won't stand a chance."

Studying the crystal in front of him, he hesitantly nodded. "You should be excited," his boss encouraged, moving closer to him to kiss his forehead.

Bdubs took a few breaths as he squeezed his eyes shut. He felt Warlock's nose brushed against his, and for once, he acted on impulse.

Eyes flying open his hand flew to Warlock's mouth, preventing him from kissing him. "Please don't," he quietly pleaded.

Gently grabbing his wrist, the taller pulled his hand down, false concern written across his face. "What's gotten into you, Angel?"


If I say I have a boyfriend he'll actually kill him and then me.

"You can't just- use me however you see fit." The grip on his wrist tightened but he kept his stare locked with his boss'.

Pulling his wrist closer to his body, Scar loomed over him. "Let's not forget who is the reason you're standing here today. I'm the reason anyone out there knows your name. I saved you. You owe me everything," he hissed.

Bdubs froze and felt himself go numb.

He was so stupid to think he could try and speak out against Warlock. Why'd he think that was a good idea?

Warlock was right. He wasn't exaggerating when he said he saved Bdubs, because he did. Without his help, who knows where he'd be? If he was lucky, dead, but if not, probably stuck in that awful place he was threatened to go to.

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