Chapter Sixteen: I Know He Doesn't Care

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"Feeling comfy?" Dynamight teased as he stepped back.

Angel's hands were cuffed behind his back and tethered to a metal loop on the wall. That morning the hero had called in the favor from Xisuma, and now the two were in one of his smaller, unused warehouses. "How long do I have to stay here like this?" He whined.

Chuckling, he moved closer to kiss his forehead. "Honey no one ever said being kidnapped would be fun!"

"It's fun when you're not the hostage," he grumbled with a small smile.

The two looked over to the small table behind Dynamight as Bdubs' phone rang. "It's Warlock."

"Answer it if you want."

He did and was immediately met with a familiar angry voice. "Where the hell are you?"

"Sorry Warlock, but I can't tell you that," Doc taunted, unable to hold back a triumphant smile. "This is simply payback."

It surprised him when Warlock remained silent for a minute. "I'm a little busy today, so I probably won't show until... Oh, I guess the day after tomorrow? Although you can tell Angel it'd be very helpful if he could just save himself."

The hero blinked, and before he could counter the line went dead. "He... hung up?"

He looked up at Angel and saw a sad smile on his face.

He heard everything, didn't he?

"Trust me he means that. I kinda figured he wasn't going to try and get me so soon."

Pity built up in his gut as he quickly freed Bdubs. "Are you sure he wasn't lying?" The shorter leaned against his chest and shook his head.

So much for keeping him restrained, he joked to himself.

"A while ago I was actually kidnapped by a... different villain, and Warlock said basically the exact same thing. I thought he was lying but by the third day, I realized he wasn't so I just escaped. And then he yelled at me for taking so long."

He squeezed him and kissed his head. "Am I allowed to ask why you put up with him?" He quietly asked.

"Because I owe him my life," he whispered.


The two moved to the small break room, and although still in costume, Bdubs cuddled with him on the couch. He finally felt ready to tell Doc everything.

So with a deep breath, he closed his eyes as he began to tell his story.


He never knew his father, but all his mother would tell him was he didn't get his abilities from him. Or her, for that matter. She had always made it clear that his 'gifts' were more of a freak abomination than anything.

Bdubs wasn't exactly raised with the best morals, and because his mother kept him isolated he never truly learned that how he was taught wasn't entirely right.

But the older he got the bolder he felt, and began the habit of sneaking out of the apartment and just wandering around the city. It didn't take him long to learn how to pick-pocket and shoplift, and he found it fairly fun.

Until his mother found out.

Whenever he got in trouble, she always reminded him that there was a special facility that was more than willing to take him away. And he knew she wasn't lying.

He never really knew what he was going to do with his life until he managed to get his first job at a grocery store and met Warlock.

Warlock caught him hovering in the storage room, and that's what started it all. He had explained that he could create portals and was able to create and use magical crystals. Warlock offered him a safe space and helped train him to gain a better grasp of his abilities.

"Have you- have you considered using your abilities to be, like a hero or something?" Bdubs had once asked.

He simply raised an eyebrow as he twirled crystals over his hand. "Now where's the fun in that?"


"And that's basically how it all started," Angel said, looking up at his boyfriend. He still looked concerned and sat up, pulling him up as well.

"But how does that translate to you owing him your life?"

Gripping Doc's hand, he took a small breath. "I was getting ready to move out when we first started fighting you. But, before I could leave my mom heard on the news about two magical criminals. She- if Warlock didn't show up to help me she might've killed me she was so angry. He let me stay with him until I was settled into my own place."

Dynamight squeezed him, pressing his face into his hair. He embraced his warmth and closed his eyes. Admittedly, he left a few details out. After all, he couldn't exactly reveal his master plan yet. That had to wait until Warlock was out of the picture.

"If I asked you to help me take him down, would you say yes?" The hero quietly asked.

Bdubs smiled into his chest and gripped the back of his costume. "Maybe. Possibly."

It felt so nice to always be pampered by Doc. He peppered his neck and jaw with kisses as a silent thank you.

One day you'll know my plan. But, I'm not too sure if you'll entirely agree with it.

"So," the hybrid began, gaining his attention. "You said you work with horses? Do you have three jobs?"

He couldn't help but laugh. "I uh, actually have four."

"Four? Bdubs why are you doing this to yourself?"

Lightly laughing again, he smoothed back Dynamight's hair. "I have my reasons." His smile began to slip away as he dropped his hands to hold his face, slowly rubbing his thumbs on his cheeks. "Listen, I... You may be okay with fighting like normal but- god it kills me every time we have to fight. I hate being the reason you get injured." He looked down to where his costume was covering the stitches in his side.

Lips softly connected with his, and he sighed as he melted against him. "I'm sorry," he murmured. "Until we can finally stop, I'm going to go all out with defending myself. You'll never land a single hit."

He happily hummed, kissing him again. "Ooh, cocky are we? What makes you so sure?"

On the small table beside them sat Doc's police scanner. It suddenly shouted at them, starting the two.

"Warlock came back to the lab he burnt down! And Pharaoh is with him!" One officer called out.

"Did- Did you say Pharaoh? He's back?!" Another responded.

Dynamight stared at him with wide eyes. "I'm going to assume you already knew this?"

"Yes," he nodded. "This happened two days ago."

With a tired smile, a kiss was pressed to his forehead. "Alright, I'm gonna go take care of that. I'll be back soon, okay?"

"Okay," he hummed, giving him a quick hug. "I'll be here."


Bdubs gritted his teeth as he hurled his knife. While Doc was out he was taking out his aggression at one of the walls in the warehouse.

A part of him longed for Warlock to treat him as his equal, treat him like a person.

He threw the second.

But the rest of him wished with every fiber of his being that he could just be free of him.

Walking over to the wall now riddled with marks, he yanked out the daggers.

"Doc is right," he muttered. "I'm strong, I don't need Scar."

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