Chapter Twenty-Two: Go Be a Hero

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Maybe Doc was just paranoid.

The past day Bdubs had been radio silent and something about it felt wrong.

He tried calling him again.

Doc bounced his leg as he leaned over on his couch and bit his nail.

He listened as his phone rang.

And rang.

And rang.


For the fifth time that day, he looked to the key sitting on his coffee table.

Before he left, Bdubs had given him the spare to his apartment.

"Show up whenever you want," he had told him with a shrug.

"That still doesn't make me feel creepy about it," Doc muttered out loud, carefully picking the key up.


The moment he stepped into Bdubs' apartment he knew something was wrong.

He spotted his bedroom door open, a glint in the doorway.

One of his daggers was lodged into the wood, the other still on the nightstand.

The comforter was folded back and disheveled, but when he fixed it he saw tiny pieces of glass.

Colored glass, in the smallest fragments.

Warlock took Bdubs.

He recognized the crystal beside the knife on the nightstand to be the one Bdubs used to change into his costume. His phone was still there too.

A newfound rage set his blood ablaze.

Warlock was going to pay.


Perhaps it would've worked better to be stealthy, but Dynamight didn't care.

He ripped the front doors off the entrance, carelessly tossing it aside as he stormed the hideout.

Every door was either kicked down or pulled from its hinges and crumpled.

Inside the large room where the contraption was being built, it was empty except for a single piece of paper in the middle and a familiar piece of red fabric laying slant on the top right corner.

'I know your weakness' the paper read.

Exploding the paper into a pile of ash, Doc carefully stored the bandana in his toolbelt, where he was keeping Angel's daggers and crystal safe.

The hero continued to tear apart the base until he stumbled upon a room full of crystals. Feeling frustrated and scared that he hadn't found his boyfriend, he blasted the room to bits. But, not before snatching a few healing crystals.


Everything hurt.

His nerves were practically numb from the amount of pain coursing through his body.

Bdubs' wrists and ankles were bound by iron cuffs. His wrists were chained together but his legs weren't. They were burning, screaming for freedom. He was on his knees, heavily breathing. His cheeks were stained from the never-ending tears that were dripping from his eyes. Since he was kidnapped late last night he had been stuck like this, physically unable to move from the amount of pain he felt.

More explosions shook the underground bunker.

Doc was coming closer, and he hated it.

He didn't want the hero to see him in this state. With his red eyes, sweat-stained pajamas, and overall disheveled appearance.

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