Chapter Thirteen: The Parents Situation

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"I hate taking morning shifts," Bdubs muttered, adjusting his bandana before cleaning the counter of the spilled coffee. He fought back a yawn and lightly shook his head as he heard the bell over the door ring. "What can I get for you?" He asked, not bothering to look up as he tossed the towel aside to deal with later.

"A medium iced black coffee, please." Immediately his eyes lit up as he looked at the customer and grinned.

"Is that all?" He asked, leaning on his elbows.

"Your number would be a nice bonus," Doc smiled, tilting his head.

Bdubs hummed, pushing himself off the counter and punching in the numbers for the coffee into the register. "That comes at a hefty price sir. You'll have to take me on a date first."

Paying his total and placing some extra in the tip jar, the hybrid sighed. "But how can I take you on a date when I can't call you?" He pointed out with a grin.

"Maybe if you meet me here after my shift we can work something out," he smirked, turning away to make his coffee.

When he placed down the cup, he looked up to the hybrid. His eyes softened with worry. "How are you feeling?" He quietly asked. "I know it's healed but still..." His eyes drifted to his shoulder as the taller one picked up his drink.

"Don't worry about it, okay? It's fine, I'm fine. I'll see you after your shift." He smiled at him, lightly hitting Bdubs' forehead with the cold cup.

Once he left, his coworker poked her head out from further in the kitchen. "I heard you flirting with a customer," she teased, raising an eyebrow. "Who was he?"

Feeling embarrassed, Bdubs turned his face away from her. He mumbled his answer but since she couldn't hear, the blonde walked over to him. She stared at him with a wide grin, awaiting a repeat of his answer. "He's my boyfriend," he muttered again.

"Awe, that's cute! Maybe you should switch to morning shifts permanently so you can see him more," False teased. He scoffed at the suggestion, leaning his back against the counter.

"Not in a million years."

"Hey, you're not the only maniac with multiple jobs. Taking the morning shift could give you more time at night for sleeping."

Sighing, he pushed his hair back, hearing another customer enter. "I'll consider it, how about that?"


Doc was waiting outside the coffee shop when his shift ended, just like he said he would.

"Woah, are you stalking me or something?" He teased, nudging his side.

Lightly laughing, Doc pulled him close as they began to walk down the street. Bdubs had no idea where they were going, but he trusted his boyfriend and whatever he had planned. (And, fun fact, Doc already had his number.)

Eventually, the hybrid pulled away from his waist so they could lace their hands together. It was nice to pretend like they were a normal couple. He'd wear iron cuffs for all eternity if it meant the two of them wouldn't have to worry and could actually be a normal couple.

His hand was squeezed, pulling him back to reality. "Everything okay?" Doc murmured.

Glancing up with a smile, he nodded. "Yeah, yeah. Anyways, am I allowed a hint as to where we're going?"

"Hm, alright. Your hint is that we're here!" He said with a stupid grin.

Looking up at where they stopped, his eyes sparkled with excitement. "Roller skating? Really? I haven't been in ages!" He looked back to Doc and raised an eyebrow. "I didn't take you for the skating type."

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