Chapter Twelve: I'm Scared of Losing You

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"I promise to take you on a real date one day," Doc apologized as he was handed over a small bowl of shaved ice from his boyfriend as he sat next to the hero. While Bdubs was in his civilian look, Dynamight was obviously still in costume. They were sitting under a willow tree in a secluded part of the city park. He had declined Angel's offer to go on a date, as he was still hesitant with his identity.

"I'll hold you to that," he laughed, gingerly diving into his own bowl. "But seriously; I understand. Don't apologize, okay?" Placing a hand on his thigh, Bdubs reached up and kissed his metal cheek.

The two leaned against each other, eating in a content and comfortable silence.

Unfortunately, it didn't last too long as suddenly, Bdubs' phone vibrated. Dynamight glanced down at him as he checked it and a frown formed on his face, despite his eyes lighting up. "Sorry, I gotta run. Warlock needs me right now," he said, getting up.

Standing up as well, he pulled him into a kiss. "Everything okay? You guys have been a little too quiet all week," he said, lightly laughing.

Grinning, the shorter booped his nose. "Don't be impatient, you'll find out soon enough," he teased.


As it turns out, he found out a lot sooner than he realized.

A day later, he was on his way to work as usual, but employees were running out when he got to the building. "Woah hey," Doc found someone from his department, Zedaph, and stopped him. "What's going on?"

"W-Warlock and Angel crashed in- into- the building! Th-They're- they said-"

"Deep breaths," he assured him, squeezing his shoulders. Closing his eyes, Zed took a few deep breaths.

"They want the master drive from the medical department!"

Inhaling sharply, he let his colleague run away, claiming he was going to do the same. And, to be fair, he did run away, but only to a nearby alley to hide and strip his outer layer. Once in costume, he quickly climbed up to enter the lab from above.


It didn't take him long to find Warlock and Angel. He managed to intercept them before they made it to the medical floor.

"Sorry, no visitors today," Dynamight called from behind them on the staircase. The two whipped around and he narrowed his eyes.

Warlock took a step back up the staircase. "I'm afraid we don't have much time to chat. Thanks to you we've fallen behind schedule," he said with a small frown. He turned to Angel and gently stroked his hair. "Stall for me, will you?" Warlock sweetly asked, snapping his eyes to Dynamight once more before turning around heading up and through the door.

Angel pulled his dagger out from behind his bag, twirling it in his hand. "Ready to dance, lover boy?" He teased.

Scoffing, he couldn't hold back a smile. "With you? Always."

It amused him to see him become so quickly flustered, his fighting stance faltering. Using the opportunity, he braced himself as he blasted Angel backward.

The smoke set the sprinklers in the stairway off, but Bdubs quickly created a large bubble around the sprinklers. "That probably isn't a good idea," he pointed out, glancing up.

Oh sh-

He quickly raised his robotic arm to shield himself as he realized the dagger was tossed his way. It caught itself in one of his panels, but thankfully it didn't cut deep enough to affect anything. Pulling it out, his smile grew as he hurled the knife back, catching Angel's cape and sticking it to the wall while the villain was floating midair.

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