Chapter Nineteen: The Quiet Before the Storm

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Angel hugged his knees as he sat on his couch, idly watching the news. After literally throwing himself around the city for a bit the effects of the spell wore off but he was so sore. He had spent the next two days in bed, called in sick to every job, and ignored every text he got.

By now it had been a week since he saw Doc, let alone spoke with him. The hero has been too busy taking down some gang to even read his messages.

He had hoped the news would maybe cover Dynamight, but ever since his debut a few years ago, channels rarely covered just him. It was always 'this villain does a scary thing' and when it wasn't about himself, Bdubs didn't care.

Picking up the remote, he decided to just turn the tv off and go for a walk or something, but then the next segment caught his eye.

The local museum had recently acquired an ancient and rare gem. A beautiful ruby that's said to be worth hundreds of millions. It had been missing for a decade and found at the location of a sunken cargo ship that had been smuggling illegal and stolen goods.

"This'll be a good pick me up," he decided with a grin, flicking off the screen and jumping to his feet.


It had been a bit since he had done a heist on his own. Granted last time it was a device for Warlock, but hopefully, this time would be more fun.

Although it may be smarter to go at night, Angel wanted the public to see him.

So under the afternoon sun, he landed on top of the museum's skylight, which was conveniently right above the glass box holding the gemstone.

Whistling, he created an acidic bubble big enough for him to fit through.

It melted the glass and he floated down, careful to use small bubbles to check for lasers.

With careful movements, he dropped a yellow bubble to consume the glass case.

As his feet touched the marble floor, he guided the bubble towards him.

The room may have been empty of people, but there was talk coming from outside the large double dark oak doors.

They opened, the curator from the news leading a group of reporters.

A wide grin formed on Angel's face as he took off the glass case and held the gem.

"How much did you say this was worth?" He asked, tossing it up and catching it, as the ruby was small enough to fit in his hand.

The curator's face turned beet red, his nostrils flaring. "Guards!" The man screeched. Bdubs waited for the men in uniforms to file in the room. Once he heard the reporters start talking about him, he winked at the camera and took to the sky. He chucked the glass case at the guards before flying out of the hole he had created.

Once he was a block away, he paused for a moment to admire the gem in the sunlight. There were sirens in the distance and growing closer, but they posed him no threat. He titled the ruby as the light refracted on his face. He could keep it if he wanted to.

Or he could sell it to-


His smile grew stupid big at the sound of Doc. Grasping the ruby in his fist, he turned on the balls of his feet to face the hero.

"Afternoon good sir!" He greeted with a cheerful wave.

Doc sighed, pinching his nose bridge. "I love you, but I am very busy so if you could just hand it over that'd be very helpful."

Bdubs frowned. "Excuse me but you haven't spoken to me in a week, and I miss you!"

"I... I know. At least I can tell you're feeling better!" He pointed out, walking over to him.

"Yeah," he sighed. "Sorry for uh, flying out like that. I just didn't want to risk hurting you again." He gripped his prize, the feeling of the overwhelming thoughts sending a shiver down his spine.

Doc gently held his shoulders. "It's okay," he whispered as if sensing his worry. "We're both okay."

He closed his eyes for a moment and nodded.

Humming, the villain reached up, pulling on the side of his hood. He brought him down and pressed against his lips while his other hand held the stolen item against his chest.

Hands held his waist and pulled him close. "I promise to take you on a date the day after I finish," Doc murmured against his lips.

"And how long will that be?" Bdubs quietly asked.

"No longer than another week. I'll keep you posted," he assured him, raising his head to kiss his forehead.

Angel felt one of his hands slowly slide up to his arm, dragging down towards his hand.

He scoffed, kissing his metal jaw before quickly engulfing him in a flurry of bubbles.

"You're not as slick as you think," he teased, backing up. "Don't you get how rich this'll make me?"

"I'm sorry but I can't let you just walk away! It goes against my morals!" Doc shouted with an audible grin as he swatted away the bubbles.

Laughing, he encased the gem in a bubble, guiding it up out of reach. "So what you're saying is; me stealing hurts your feelings?"

The hero paused for a moment. "If I say yes will you stop?"

Bdubs scoffed yet again, popping the bubbles around Doc, who in return attempted to jump back to dodge the attacks. The villain ran towards him, lifting into the air as he released an explosion. He pressed a foot down on his extended arm, the other on his shoulder, and pushed himself off, knocking Dynamight to the ground and leaving him gracefully floating down.

As Dynamight began to stand he quickly surrounded him with a large bubble.

"Don't forget to text me!" He cheerfully sang, pulling the bubbled ruby towards him. Angel winked and blew the hybrid hero a kiss before taking off.


"So, you'll buy it?" Angel asked as he leaned over the desk, grinning at his possible customer.

The man simply hummed as he carefully examined the ruby in his hand.

"Sure, I'll take it," he agreed, still admiring the gem as he snapped his fingers.

A case was placed and open in front of Angel, revealing his asking price. "You should really come sell me beauties like these more often," the man continued, adjusting his glasses.

Closing the case, he dipped his head. "It'd be my pleasure."

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