Chapter Twenty-Four: With What Little Time We Have Left

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With gritted teeth, Bdubs punched his face.

Then he punched him again.

Scar just laughed.

His breaths became more labored, his skin ready to melt off his body from the white-hot pain clawing away his nerves.

"You're dead," Warlock continued to laugh. "You're dead and you know it."

Bdubs grasped his neck with both his hands. "No, you're dead," he snapped.

Seeing the realization set in Warlock's eyes was one of the most satisfying moments of his life. His chest began to rise and fall quickly and he began to frantically gasp for air. "Wait, B-Bdubs wait!"

Exhaling sharply through his nose, he shook his head. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting to kill you. You've made me suffer long enough." His body was trembling, drowsiness creeping up his spine, but he couldn't go. Not yet.

"You- You really- You really think you'll even have- have a chance to get Dynamight back if you kill me?" Warlock whispered between gasps.

His heart dropped and he loosened his grip.

"Even if I don't kill you now, it was never going to last long," he muttered before letting out a heavy sigh. "Not with what I have planned."

Scar scoffed. "Planned?" He taunted.

Ignoring him, Angel thought about it. Scar had constantly been alluding to giving him some 'greater power'. Maybe he could get that from him later. "Besides, I want to enjoy what little time I have left with Dynamight. Before I fuck it all up," he muttered, fighting the temptation to pass out.

If Scar added any other snarky comment he didn't process it.

Angel knocked out his former boss, and with heavy breaths collapsed on the ground beside him, a few more tears dribbling down his cheeks.

Face it, Doc isn't coming back for you.

His thought sunk deep into his skull as he finally allowed himself to pass out and no longer feel the immense pain flooding his body.


Doc practically flew through the base, followed the same path until he found the right room with the missing door.

His heart stopped as he gripped the doorway, staring for a moment at the collapsed villains.

He quickly dropped in front of Bdubs, hastily ripping the iron cuffs off his body. His shirt was drenched in sweat, his chest hardly moving.

"I'm here, I'm here," he whispered, pulling him into his lap and leaning him against his chest. Kissing his head, he took out one of the healing crystals he had, delicately holding it between his thumb and forefinger.

Looking over at Warlock, he could see the red marks on his neck, the bruises on his face. He was still alive, but there was no chance Doc was asking him for help. "Really wish I knew how to use one of these," he muttered, resorting to gently squeezing Bdubs.

The hero began to hear a soft humming and opened his eyes to find the crystal glowing. He held it over Bdubs' head and waited until he felt a light pull to let go. It hovered over him and began to glow brighter.

Even his pains from the battle slipped away.

When the healing crystal stopped glowing and fell from the air, he quickly caught it before it could land on Bdubs and carefully set it on the ground.

He patiently waited, staring at the sleeping Bdubs in his arms. Finally, he took a heavy breath and rolled into Doc's chest.

"Angel? Are you okay?" He softly asked.

Groaning, the villain sat up in his lap and pressed his face into the side of his neck. "You came back?" Bdubs asked, his voice cracking.

His heart broke at how surprised Bdubs sounded, how close to crying he seemed.

"What?" He combed his fingers through his hair, causing him to pull back and look up at him with wide eyes. "Of course I came back! Why wouldn't I? You were dying, Bdubs I wasn't going to let that happen!"

Bdubs pursed his lips. "Warlock lied. I promise, promise I told him nothing about us."

The hero tightly hugged him. "I know. I could see it in your eyes," he assured him, kissing his temple.

"God my clothes are so damn sweaty," Bdubs grumbled, pulling away to reveal his face was scrunched up.

Giggling, Doc kissed his forehead. "Don't worry I have your costume right here. You head home and I'll deal with Warlock and Pharaoh." He pulled out the crystal.

Bdubs scoffed, swiping the crystal and climbing off his lap so he could stand up. "I love how you think you're gonna handle Pharaoh on your own."

While a flash of light switched the villain's clothes, Doc fished out a handful of mushrooms he had on him and tossed them around Warlock before handcuffing him.

He then handed Angel his daggers and his bandana mask.

"So did you just leave Pharaoh on his rampage to save me or something?" Angel teased as he tightened his mask.

Rolling his eyes, the hybrid followed him out of the room. "No, I knocked him out first. But we gotta borrow the stone from the museum first."


Bdubs didn't even make it out of the base before Doc suddenly grabbed his arm and pulled him back. "Wait, wait, wait. Are you sure you're okay to fight? You just experienced some serious hell!"

Huffing, he couldn't help but roll his eyes. "Listen, we don't have time for this. The healing crystal erased all of my pains. See? Not even any marks from the cuffs or Warlock." He titled his head up to give him a better view of his neck, which he knew should've been resembling marks from Scar's grip and burn marks from his iron rings. And it was true; the healing crystal felt like a refreshing wave, washing away his agonizing pain.

"But- You- Angel! Are you sure you're feeling okay? Emotionally?"

He swallowed.

Admittedly it was pretty traumatizing, but he didn't want to waste time letting it sink in. "I'm- I'm fine. Now let's go!"

Bdubs pulled his hand away and continued to rush out of the base.

The villain desperately tried not to think about what he spoke to Scar about. However, it was hard not to, because it was true. Especially now with his former boss out of the way, his plan could finally fall into place whenever he so desired. But once he did, his relationship was as good as gone.

As he reached the base exit, he turned back around to find Dynamight close behind. Once he started to slow down he grasped his cloak and pulled him down into a kiss.

He wanted to relish the time he had left, and not waste it dealing with his issues.


"No- Angel- wait-" Doc tried to protest as Bdubs flew to the top of the museum, but he didn't seem to care.

He followed up with his grappling hook gun, shouting after him; "We can just ask to borrow it!"

Admittedly, the smirk Angel gave him made his heart skip a beat. "Now what fun is that?"

Doc dumbly watched as he crashed through the glass ceiling. A few moments later there was shouting and Bdubs floated back up, the glowing stone in hand. "Oh shut up I'm about to save your sorry ass!" He shouted down. With a deep breath, he smiled at Doc once more. "So! Where's Pharaoh?"

"We really could've asked to borrow it," Dynamight repeated, following him over to the next building's rooftop.

Angel shrugged. "Well, now it's mine."

Dynamight cleared his throat.

"Fine, I'll give it back," he grumbled, dropping back so the hero could lead the way.

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