If I Was Your Man

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Edited: 03-24-19



I was walking back home when I realized that I left my Math book at school. We have an upcoming test tomorrow so I can't afford NOT to study although I really just want to sleep and be lazy.

Looking at the empty hallway I sighed as I remember what my friends have told me when I asked for an advice. They told me to let go. Let go of my love. Let go of her. It sounds so stupid but every time I do take one step away from her, I'd find myself coming back to her three steps forward.

I'm a hopless case!

"Channie!!" I looked towards who called me and there she was. The person I've been thinking a lot lately. 

It was like the world turned slow-mo and all I could see is her  walking towards me like a goddess coming down to earth to grace us with her presence. Her oh-so sweet smile made a mortal like me feel unworthy of her.

"Yo" that was all I could say. Why?? I also dont know. Maybe I am too captivated by her beauty that made my  internal organs stop functioning. Was it an exageration? Depends.

"What are you doing here? Did you forget something?" She asked

"Yeah, I forgot my book in Math in our classroom." I said and she nodded as a response.

"How about you?" I casually asked her then we continued walking towards our classroom

"I am waiting for him" She said to me with a smile plastered in her face.

"Him??" I asked her innocently even though I know who she meant.

If only I was the one you waited

"My boyfriend"  Two simple words yet it put a big scar inside my heart.

"Ahhhh okay" I simply said while tryin my best not cuss.

Damn it really fucking hurts to hear from the mouth of the person you love that they were happily taken by a person who'll never be you.

I could never be him.

We continued to talk and I cant deny that I had a great time. Honestly, I feel proud of myself. Why? Because even though it really hurts inside I just cant help  but fall in love with her again. The way she laughs, the way she smiles, the way she talks, the way she combs her hair with her fingers. Every angle of her face I can't see anything that is not worth staring at.

No matter how many times my heart would bleed, I 'd stitch it back and come back running back towards the person who held the knife.

"Why are you staring at me like that? Am I that beautiful that you look so mesmarized with my oh-so called beauty?" She said while punching me jokingly in the shoulder

"You're the livimg personification of beautiful...." I said without even thinking about every word I said. She was stunned a bit and didn't say anthing. I paniced and without thinking AGAIN I replied.

"......like my sister" FUUUUUUUUUUU wooooooow Chanyeol! That was the best comeback I've heard. Sarcasm.

"Wha-- ? Hahahaha you're really funny Channie!" she said and pinched my cheeks

"Aww. Stop it Dara-noona!! Aww!!" I said while trying to take off her hands off my cheeks

"Bleeh" She sticked your tongue out and started to run.

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