Takoyaki Store

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Author's Note: Little by little, I am trying to make an One shot story with only less than 500 words used =) I read some one shot stories and I saw that they were extremely short comapred to mine. *sigh* I have a lot of things I should learn before I become a certified writer っ╥╯﹏╰╥c Wish me Luck!Enjoy!


Dara's POV

It was another hectic day inside YG Entertainment and we, 2ne1, are no exception. We were working day and night these past few days and we didn't have any enough sleep or rest. My body hurts and my stomach is hungry. We were preparing for our new comeback and it had some conflicts so we have to re do everything! From lyrics, to dances, to choreography down to our props! It was really tiresome!

Finally our CEO, YG, gave us a time to rest. He said he needs to take care of something so he left us and told us to take a break for the whole morning since later this afternoon we will back from work.

Slightly massaging my shoulders. Aaah I want to eat Takoyaki! Maybe I shoyld ask Bommie to come with me. I looked at Bom who was umm sleeping at the dance floor.

"Unnie! You'll get a cold  if you sleep there! Come on! Move and go sleep at the couch" I said while poking her tummy. She just groaned and nodded and went to the couch while her eyes closed.

*sigh* I guess that means I'll be on my own then. I took my bag and excused myself from the staff and drived my way towards the takoyaki shop.

*At the Takoyaki Shop*

I sat down at one of the stools and ordered me some takoyaki. The sweet aroma of the takoyaki made my stomach grumble in hunger  and I think it was loud enough to let the person beside me hear. I bowed my head to hid my embarassed face, though they won't see it since I am in disguise.

"*chuckle* I think you are really hungry Miss" The person beside me commented. I just scratched my head and slightly nodded.

Someone'z POv

Still blushing Dara took a glass of water and shyly replied to the person beside her.

"Yeah, work was tough today so I was really hungry!" She replied and sipped a water.

"Ooh. We're the same. My company is really busy today and because of that my tummy can't help but growl in hunger!" The person said and laughed. Dara slightly smiled by the way the stranger talked. He was obviously having fun and was very cheerful too. She felt comfortable for some reason like she knew the person beside her.

"Oh! Look Our orders are here!" He annouced as the takoyaki was placed infront of her. Dara's Face immediately lightened and started eating while trying her best not to be discovered. The person beside you chuckled and ate his takoyaki

"You know! There is a story in this takoyaki!" the guy suddenly said.

"Really? What is it?" Dara asked not looking at the guy. "She must be really hungry. How cute." The guy beside her thought.

The guy started his story about the takoyaki and he was happily laughing at his own story. He was laughing so hard tht it made dara laugh along with her. Not noticing that both of them were seriously stared by the costumers around them.

Dara looked at the person beside her and she was shocked to see Chanyeol beside her. Her eyes were wude open as she looks at Chanyeol's happy face while telling a story.

"Why is he here? And why is he not in disguise?!" Dara mentally panicked in her mind. Of course, Dara knew the infamous Chanyeol of EXO. She knew him not just because of their song but because it was rumoured that this guy has a crush on her.

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