Till We Meet Again (Last Part)

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Chanyeol's PoV

Its already been 7 months ever since the day I accidentally kicked a stone at Dara's hospital room. It's already December 28. Only a few days until new year. Before, I was planing on celebrating here with Tita and Dara but my parents are  asked me to go home since I didn't went home this christmas because I was at Dara's side.

I am here at Dara's hospital room gaurding her. It was miracle that she woke up that day when she was paralyzed but that miracle only lasted for a few hours. When she fell asleep in my arms, she never woke up since then. It's been already 3 days since that day and until now she never woke up.


I sighed when I saw who was calling me again. It's my mother. I'm guessing she's gonna ask me about going home.

"Hello Mom??" I asked sofly

"When will you come home my baby" she asked and I was sure as hell she's pouting.

"I'll be home in a few hours mom" I said sweelty. Trying to coax my mother.

"Okay fine just come home okay?" She said

"Yes mom"

"Dobi-yah.... I miss you" my heart clenched at how sad my mom felt.

"I miss you too " I said as my eyes started to water. I'm sorry mom.

"Please Dobi.. Come back home. "







"Yes Mom..."


December 31 20XX

Its been 3days since I left and went home. I've been bonding with my family and friends while constantly calling Tita and Dara.

I'm at our house slicing an apple I suddenly  Dara's face appeared inside my head.

When I moved my shoulder I accidentally bumped into the glass beside me. It fell from the ground and broke into pieces.

My heart suddenly beat faster and I was having a hard time breathing. It was a bad omen.  I hurriedly called Tita's number but she wouldnt pick up.

"Damn! Please pick up Tita" my heart was pounding so hard. Dang it.

Someone's Pov

Chanyeol was driving and was busy calling Tita Flora he didn't notice the drunk driver infront of him. The driver was riding a ten-wheeler truck The drunk driver was already losing control over his driving and his truck was already at the opposite lane.

At the other hand, Chanyeol was so busy at his phone that he didnt saw the truck running fast towards him. And at the moment he finally noticed it was already too late.



The moment the ambulance arrived, the nurses quickly took action and carried Chanyeol towards the ICU room.

"What happened??" Asked the Doctor

"Doc, he was hit by a ten-Wheeler truck. He is losing blood and his body is severly damaged"

"Let's hurry!!" The Doctor said and quickly started the operation.

News about Chanyeol's accident spread like wild fire. The media was going crazy while the fans were crazily crying. His family and friends came and all of them were wearing a worried face. His mother was crying so hars while his father was silently weeping.

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