Till We Meet Again (Part 2)

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My past self must be drunk when she wrote this. //facepalm//


Chanyeol's Pov

"Hello, my name is Chanyeol Park." I introduced myself

Because of her condition she couldn't speak. She looked at me with a warm pw at her eyes and smiled a gentle smile.

How can someone be so cute and beautiful at the same time?

"Umm I'm sorry for the broken window *bows*" and just like before she just answered me with gentle smile and a soft nod.

I slowly went inside the room and sat down at her bed. Looking at her for the first time she looked weak and fragile. Yet her eyes and smile says the opposite. Fascinating.

I apologized to her once again before I sat down at her bed.

"Hey, is it okay to call you Dara?" I asked. She nodded her head while looking at the stone. I think she is a bit shy. Well.....to be honest, me too but I know we would eventually be comfortable with each other

But first things forst I need to know about her. Remind me again Why am I doing this? Well....

"So, your whole name is Sandara Park and your nick name is Dara?" She nodded so I continued asking her questions. Geez am I detective or something.

(a:n// so I noticed that I sais prevously she was paralyzed but now she's moving here. Let's just say this is AFTER she was paralyzed. Doesn't make sense? I know. I'm terrible with details and sciemce. Sorry bout that hehe)

"How old are you?" She wrote something in her notebook. She wrote '25'. Oh so she is older than me. I'm still 22 years old. 

"Are you hungry??" I asked her since I noticed that it is almost lunch time. She nodded her head.

"Do you like pizza??" Okay I know it's not healthh but I asked her anyway. She smiled at ne brightly and then she happily nodded her head. Cute.

We callled for a delivery amd after a dew minutes it came. I sliced a piece of pizza and then placed it in a plate. I sat beside her and then held the pizza towards her mouth. Wow she's beautiful up close.

"Here. Let me help you" I said. She looked at the other direction and then she nodded her head. I saw her blushing. I dont know what happened to me but I think I felt my face is gettng warmer? Am I blushing?

(a:n// dont ask why she was allowed to eat pizza. She just was okay?😅😂)

She ate her pizza quietly. I didn't utter any word while she was eating and just looked at her. How can I even say anything when I am too captivated by the person infront of me. I just cant help myself but observe her every movements.

You see she is very thin, she has pale white skin, not so visible dark circles below her eyes, and she has a body that looks like it can be easily be broken.

But despite of how fragile she lookedn she had still somewhat attracted to her. Like magnet I was attracted to her. I dont know, but there is something in her that I just can't leave her.

What's happening to me?

This is the first time I felt this way? Why do I felt like I am the happiest man alive?? Am I inlove??....


Its been 5 months since I met Dara. During those days I was with her the feeling I have for her is growing stronger and stronger.

Yup, I am inlove.

Well, who wouldn't be. She is kind, humble, cute, and adorable. She is  one of a kind girl even though she can't talk. Maybe some would think that I am only toying with her or think that it is too early to say that I'm  Inlove but I swear I really love her, more than anything in this world.

Today is Saturday, and because I dont have  work in Saturdays and Sundays I went to the hospital to visit Sandara.

I was walking towards Dara's room when I accidentally bumped into someone. I looked at the person I bumped in to and I was surprise to see that it was Dara's doctor, Dr. Hemswearth. He was carrying some papers in his hands-----well, not anymore since it is on the floor.

"I'm sorry" I said. And I helped him pick up his papers.

"It's okay" He replied. Then he smiled at me before he walked away. I was about to continue walking when I saw a piece of paper under the small plant. I picked up the paper and read what it is about. I think this is from Dr. James. Maybe I should return this to him before I go to Dara's room.

I looked for Doctor's office and good thing it was only nearby Dara's room. It was 4 rooms apart from Dara.

I was about to knock when I heard someone talking---- no scrath that she was begging to Dr. James while crying. I can feel the sadness and pain when the woman begs the Doctor. The woman's voice was so familiar. And because of curiosity I looked who was inside since the door was slightly open.

My eyes widen when I saw who the woman was. It was Tita Flora. My heart suddenly beat faster. I was getting nervous and afraid.

"I am sorry Mrs. Park but your daughter's condition is getting worse as time pass by. Her body is slowly getting weak and her blood circulation is getting slower because of her damaged spinal chord. If we won't undergo operation her life will end as soon as we think. We need to undergo operation Mrs. Park" I heard Dr. James said.

"D-doc?? Is there any chances that she will d-d-die during the operation??" Oh God! No....


"How m-many percent??"

"She has 45% she can survive and 65% she can die" what?? Dara?? No way...

"B-but Doc. Is there no other way we can help my daughter where we can't risk her life?"

"I'm sorry Mrs. Park but this is the only way."

I can hear Tita Flora crying while Dr. James was discussing things to her. But I didn't somehow I couldn't seem to hear what they said. All I was thinking was Dara. Damn.....

Without caring that they would notice me I hurriedly ran towards Dara. Tears were falling from my eyes. I was afraid. Afraid about what will happen to Dara. Thinking about her leaving us-----me makes me wanna die. I can't think about a future without Dara by my side. I don't want her to die. It's way too soon!

Oh God...

When I reached her room and saw her watching the television. She was laughing. Happiness was visible in her eyes.  Sandara Park....

When she finally noticed me, she gave me a heart melting smile that somehow intensified my fear. Without saying a word I went to her side and hugged her tightly. She was surprised but she didn't do anting except hugging me back too.


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