Its a Date? 2ne1 ft. EXO (Part 2)

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Author's Note: Sorry for the looong wait haha XD i dont have any ideas how to nake this so it took me a veryyy long time to finally think about something.  Thank U for reading

Dara's Pov

I am currently here at our dorm infront of my members. I don't know why but they are seriously looking at me like I did something wrong.

"Ummm Chaerin-ssi?" I said nervously while gripping my pink pouch. I am dating Chanyeol Park, And Exo member from SM Entertainment, for a mknth now. And to celebrate our monthsary together, Chanyeol-ssi asked me to go out and I gradually said yes. I am very excited by our date today but I totally forgot about my sisters.

"Hmmm. Why are you dressed up like that?" CL asked while looking at me straightly. Oh gosh! Unnie is serious right now!

"I-I *gulp* am going on a d-date w-w-w-with Dobi" I said while looking at the side to avoid eye contact towards them.

"Date.. Huh." CL, Minzy and Bom said in unison.

I can feel their stares at me and damn it's scary TT_TT Dobii-ssi!!! Help me!

"Will you be okay unnie?" Minzy asked shile looking straightly in my eyes. Waaah ヽ(`⌒´)ノ Minzy is scary!

"Of course! Why w-w-would I not be okay? He he he" The tension in the air is getting worse.

"Unnie. You do know there is an unofficial rivalry between our companies because of our supporters right?" CL said. I nodded as respense without uttering a word.

"And you do know there are paparazzi everywhere right?" Bom asked worriedly. I nodded again.

"What if you were caught?" Minzy asked.

"We wont be caught! We'll be extraa as in extra careful!" I determinely said.

"But unnie--" I Didn't let CL finish because I stoodly stood up and looked at her seriously.

"CL! It's okay! You dont need to worry anymore! I am already more than 30 years old!I can take care of myself now so please! Just this once! Let me see Chanyeol!" I seriously said. I saw CL sighed in defeat and Minzy smiling at me faintly. Bom just patted my head and then hugged me tightly.

"Sis, you're so inlove. *chuckle* Time pass by so fast. Neeh CL let us let Dara date Dobi =) " Bom said to me.

"I guess it's fine now, Unnie. To let Dara-unnie date someone" Minzy said. CL looked at me again and smiled at me.

"Okay fine but in one condition!" Cl said and picked up my car keys on which I placed it on top of the small table.

"We are going with you" she said and started walking towards the door. My eyes popped open when I heard her condition.

O______O WHAAT?!

"Buut CL----"

"No Buts Unnie! We are coming with yoy wether you like it or YOU LOVE IT" she said seriously and marched her way towards my car. I heard Minzy chuckled and patted my head before she followed CL.

I could feel my cheeks burning red because of the thought of my members watching or staring at us while Ma and Chanyeol are doing umm lovey-dovey >\\\\< UNIIE~~!!!!

I was at the state of shock when Bom patted my shoulders and shook her head like she was pretending to be dosappointef at me. I looked at her, still with my shock face, worriedly.

"Bommie~!!" I said.  She just smiled at me teasingly and said.

"Hey, don't worry we won't stop you and your hubby from doing lovey-dovey things *evil smile* not unless you don't want us tooo. Hihihihi" She said and laughed. I pouted and crossed my arms to hide my embarrassment.

"Come on cheer up and besides I think this would be a perfect opportunity for us to look for Ms. Baddass Female's Boyfriend" She said teasingly and wiggled her eyebrows. I looked at ger confusingly asking for a clear statement.

"Ya'know. CL and Krrriiiis" She said and laughed and went outside the dorm. I was left speechless and alone inside. I was still wondering why she mentioned Kris when I heard CL calling me.

I sighed and picked up my bag. *sigh* I hope Chanyeol would understand why 2ne1 is here.


Author's Note: Lol hahaha XD I dunno what you say hahah xD I know i know its pretty short but hey I hope you liked it hahha XD I am runnign out of udeas to write heheh =D Next Part would be quite long heheh btw, thank you for the 42 votes everyone! I really appreciate it =)

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