Flames Candle

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I thought about this when I was doing this with my....  You know ^^ Hahaha xD I THINK there might be people reading this who does  not know about this but I am so sorry but I dont know how to explain this. I m sorry.



andara's POV

i am currently here at our school garden waiting for my boyfriend Chanyeol Park. He asked me out in a date and he told me that we'll meet here at exactly 9 am but its been 20 minutes past the said time already. Maybe something came up.

I waited for Chanyeol a little bit longer until I grew bored in waiting. I played my phone and my tablet but its still not enough. Ugh! There must be some way to ease this boredom

I was thinking about giving up and walk around the garden while waiting for him when I remembered that silly game we used to play during elementary, Flames Candle. I laughed at myself as I remembered those childish times.

And then an idea popped in my mind and I quickly put out a paper and a ballpen from my bag and played that game. What's the harm in trying right? Hihihi

i smiled meaningfully and Started the game. This is so childish but funny hahahha xD

(A:N// The letter underlined is crossed out.)

*゚¨゚✎*.:。✿*♡LOVE♡LOVE♡ ✿*゚¨゚✎・

F L A M E S   C A N D L E

C H A N Y E O L  P A R K
~> 6 - SWEET

S A N D A R A   P A R K
~> 9 - NONE


✿*゚¨゚✎*.:。✿*♡LOVE♡LOVE♡ ✿*゚¨゚✎・


The smile in my face turned into a frow as I saw the results. Its.... Its....

"So average...."  I whispered and let out a dissapointed sigh. I was really expecting something too. I expected to much again that it hurts.

"What's Average?" I gasped and when I heard a husky voice from behind. I looked at my back and I was shocked to see Chanyeol standing there with a confused expression written in his face.

'Awww how cute' I thought. I blushed and smiled at him.

"Chanyeol-ah!" I said and went tl his direction and hugged him. I felt him smile and hugged me too.

"Dara-noona. I'm sorry" Chanyeol said softly. I was confused by what he meant so i let go of the hug and looked at him with curiosity.

"Hmmm but why? What are you appologizing for?" I asked. He slightly smiled and kissed me in the forehead.

"For making you wait for 30 minutes. Tss Fck that Traffic! I asked you on a date yet I was the one who was late. So uncool" He stated while his cheeks were burning hot. I giggled in his cute expression and pinched his round cheecks.

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