Lunch Break (EXO Sehun x Reader)

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: After this If I get more than 10 votes I'll make a book full of Kpop artist x reader one shot stories. And 5 votes for another one. I am really open for requests. Thanks


You went inside the SM entertainment building carrying  a basket. Inside was two lunch boxes, an apple, water and Gatorade incase if their training was super hard. You were Sehun's girlfriend but your relationship was a secret since you were not an artist.

You went to the dance studio and saw your boyfriend dancing alone. You stood at the door way and silently watched your boyfriend as he danced hid heart out. You looked at him in awe as he danced gracefully around the room.

After the song, you clapped your hands. He looked at ypu and slightly blushed and waved at you.

He went to your side and wrapped his hands around you and kissed you in the cheeks which made you blush.

"How long were you standing there?" He asked still hugging at you. You hugged him back and laughed as he teasefully sniffed your neck.

"Stop it Sehun!!! It tickles!" You playfully screamed while laughing. Instead of stopping he continued what he did and slightly kissed your neck.

"I miss You" He whispered at your ear. You smiled and blushed more.

"I miss you too" You replied and hugged him tighter.

After a few minutes, both of you broke the hug and slowly sat down at one of the benches inside. Ypu took out the food.

"Mmmmm! This smells great (Your Name)!" Sehun excitedly exclaimed and took a bite. His eyes sparkled as he ate the home-made lunch you cooked.

"Careful now Sehun! You might choke! And look at you! You are covered with sweat! Come on now change your T-Shirt! And drink lots of water or Gatorade" you said as you stand up taking off your boyfriend's t-shirt.

You changed his t-shirt and wiped his sweat. You also applied powder at his back and placed a towel behind him. You sat down and frowned as you saw him eating his food carelessly. You took your handkerchief and wiped the food beside his mouth.

"You know (Your Name), you could be a very good mother some day" Sehun commented. You giggled and playfully tapped his shoulders.

"Hahaha I know!" You said jokingly.

"And a very goooood wife too" He said.

"Yeah yeah! Thank you for the compliment Mr. Sehun" You said and sat properly and ate your food.

"It would be nice if I would be there" He seriously said which made you look at him.

"What do you mean?" You asked confusingly

"What I mean is I want to be the father of your kids and your lawfully wedded husband someday" He shyly stated and blushed and looked away. Adored by his words ypu smiled at him and held his face which made you see a clearer view of his flushed face.

"I know. And You will be" You said sweetly and kissed his forehead.

Sehun looked at your (Your Eye Color) eyes. He touched your faced and held your (Your Hair Length) (Hair Color) hair without breaking the eye contact. He slowly leaned at you and kissed you at the lips. You did not refused nor struggled instead you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him back as his lips started to move.

Both of you was catching your breaths after you guys kissed. He smiled at you and slightly kissed your eyes, nose and lips. You blushed by his sweet actions.

"I love you (Your Name)" He said.

"I love you too, Sehun" You replied.

And the lunch break ended with a long and passionate kiss.


If some of you guys were satisfied by this please vote and comment =D 5 votes and I'll make another one here and 10 votes and I'll make "KPOP ARTIST X READER (Various X Reader)" book.

BTW, I accept requests and such =) Don't worry, I'll dedicate it to you if you want =)

Thank you for reading!!

Oh and BTW

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