Lover's Quarrel (ChaeRis Special)

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Author's Note: This is what happened after Kris dragged CL to talk (Refer to "It's a Date ft. 2NE1 and EXO) Enjoy.


Narrator's POV

"YAAAH!! LET GO OF ME! WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME?!"Cl screamed at Kris while desperately trying to let go of Kris' hand.

"Tss..." Kris replied and coldly looked infront of him. Avoiding CL'd irritated face.

"LET GO OF ME! I HATE YOU---" Before CL could finish Kris pinned her in the tree and put his two hands at her sides, Trapping her.

"WHAT THE HE---" Again CL could not finish talkimg because suddenly she felt something soft landed at her lips.

It was Kris.

He was kissing her.

CL tried to push him away but the more she push him the more the kiss go deeper.  CL struggled to let go of his grasp.

"STO--MMMMMN" CL was almost in the verge of tears but Kris didn't give a damn. If CL won't listen to her in the easy way then he has to do the hard way to let him speak.

Kris looked directly at CL's eyes. CL stopped for a minute and stared at his orbs. Slowly Kris started to move his lips. Deeper and deeper their kiss goes. Until the simple rough kiss turned into a torrid kiss. All of CL and Kris' frustration, confusion, worried, pain, anger and sadness was poured in that kiss.

Minutes later they parted their lips to breath. Both of them were catching their breaths.

"What happened CL? Why are you acting like that?" Kris asked calmy while tenderly cupping CL's cheek. Cl looked away and unconsciously pouted her lips, making Kris stare at her lucious and irresistible lips.

"Like what?"

"like that!"

"Tss" Cl replied and rolled her eyes at him. Kris sighed and then wrapped his arms around her waist. Still leaning her back at the tree.

"Tell me what's wrong" Kris asked calmly. CL looked at Kris and she saw Kris's eyes was pleading. She sighed and looked away again.

"It's the picture." She said softly, almost like a whisper


"Yeah. A picture.... With Krystal" She said and murmured the last part but still Kris heard heer. The worried look Kris had slowly turned into amusement as he realized what was going on.... CL tha baddest bitch was actually.... Jealous

"You jealous aren't you?" He said amusingly. CL's eyes bulged and her cheeks instantly turned red.

"NO I'M NOT!!!" She said---er I mean she SHOUTED and hid her face in his chest. Kris just chuckled from CL's reaction and held her tighter.

"Really?" Kris whispered in her ears with full of amusement. Instead of answering CL just buried her face more in his chest. Trying to hide her blushing and embarrassed face.

"Stop embarassing me!" She said and weakly slapped his broad chest. Kris chuckled and then let go her waist then cupped her face. Making her look at his handsome face.

"Don't be jealous of that picture CL. Those were just pictures taken by one of our fans that are shipping us. It was no big deal. Besides, you know who I really love right?" Kris said lovingly and then planted a soft kiss in her forehead.

Instantly all of CL's negative emotions vanished.

"Really?" CL asked. Tears were falling from her eyes. Kris smiled at her and kissed her tears away. Making CL's heart beat faster than normal.

"Really" he replied and once again both of them kissed a long and passionate kiss.

✿*゚¨゚✎*.:。✿*♡LOVE♡LOVE♡ ✿*゚¨゚✎・ ✿

Author's NOTE: I was so tired when I wrote this so I am pretty sure that the grammar is so errrrrr. And I know there is a lot of wrong spellings, typos and etc. That's why I AM SORRY!! T.T I'm still tired when I continued writing this TT.TT Mianheeeeeee

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