Its a Date? 2ne1 ft. Exo (Part 3)

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Author's Note: As much as I want to be active all day long I just can't stop my lazy spirit from taking control of me (Lols ) That is why I want to apologize if it's not interesting or lovey-dovey. I swear I'll make a new and wonderful one, actually I am currently writing a new story BUT I am not gonna post it until I finished all its chapters, btw it only has 7-10 chaps in my calculations, and that story is TagLish which means only Filipino Readers can read it hehe sorry bout that hehhe well enough chit chat and let's start reading heheh =D Enjoooy ~~

Sandara's POV

We arrived at the park on which where we planned on our monthsary date. When I arrived there I was shocked to see Chanyeol sitting down in picnic...


With ALL of Exo members

I was full of shock when I saw them so I stopped and looked at them. I also felt CL, Bom and Minzy stopped when they saw me lookimg at Chanyeol and Exo's direction. My jaw literally was left open, I can't believe it! Our romantic date turned into like a group get together.

It seems like Chanyeol noticed our presence so he looked at our direction and Like us he was also shocked to see the girls. Moments later she smiled at me and waved at us and then he stood up and went to our direction. I dont know if it was only my imagination but I think I saw Chanyeol sighed with disappointment.

"Dara-noona!" He said and hugged me. I smiled and hugged him back too.

"I miss you" He said and hugged me tighter. We haven't seen eachother for 2 weeks now simce we were busy with work. With a sweet smile I hugged him tighter.

"I miss you too" We were having our moment when we heard someone fake coughing behind me. I looked back and saw CL looking at us seriously. My smile was wiped away and I heared Dobi gulped.

"G-good morning CL-Noona" He said bowed at her. I smiled awkwardly and looked away to hide my embarassment. She just sighed and greeted him back with a smile and bowed back too. The others also greeted us and also my sisters (Referring to 2ne1)

Bom, Minzy and CL went ahead of us and put food that I made at the picnic cloth. They sat down and greeted the other members. I was about to follow when suddenly Dobi held my hand stopping me from walking. I looked at him and I could see full of disappointment and regret in his eyes

"I'm sorry Dara. I brought those idiots with me at our date. They were so persistent that they just .. *sigh*  I am so sorry Dara" He said sincerly while looking at my eyes directly. I slightly blushed by his actions and I sweetly smiled at him.

"It's okay Dobi. It's totally fine with me so don't be sorry. Besides I also brought 2ne1 here so let's say that we're quits" I said. He smiled at me and led me towards the picnic.

"Took you long enough to sit down" Luhan said while wiggling his eyebrows.

"Hmmm savouring the moment perhaps" Tao teased. Both of them laughed and gave high 5 to eachother.

"Shut up!" Dobi said embarassed and looked away at me. Hahahahaha ^\\\^ So cute.

"Ooy Dara-unnie what we're talking about~~" Minzy teased and poked my sides. I flinchd and slightly laughed since I was sensitive at tht prt.

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