Hot Scene?! (Oops)

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Warning!  😂😂😉😉😈😈 Short UD! ENJOY!

✿*゚¨゚✎*.:。✿*♡LOVE♡LOVE♡ ✿*゚¨゚✎・ ✿

It was 1 in the afternoon when the sweet couple, Chanyeol and Dara, went to Dobi's house. Chanyeol's parents were out which left him and Dara alone in the house.

They were watching Movies when Dara felt boring and felt something weird.

"Chanyeol-aah! Let's go to your room" Dara whined while clinging her arms at Chanyeol's shoulders. Chanyeol gulped and a sweat dropped from his forehead when he thought about what they will be doing in his room.

"Sure" Chanyeol replied nervously. They went to his room Chanyeol feeling nervous while Dara feeling weird.


When they arrived to his room Dara quickly placed herself in Chanyeol's bed while Chanyeol went to his drawer and pick up that 'thing'

"Are you sure about this Dara?" Chanyeol asked looking at Dara worriedly. Dara smiled at him and nodded.

"Yes. I'm ready Chanyeol" She said. Chanyeol sighed and took a deep breath.

"Okay then. Turn around" He said. Dara obliged making her back facing Chanyeol.

"I'm putting it in" Chanyeol said. Dara only nodded. Her heart was beating so fast on what will happen next.

"O-OUCH! Chanyeol-aah! Not too deep! " Dara said while her eyes were closed. Chanyeol groaned and looked at her worriedly.

"Okay" He replied.

"a-aaah! Chanyeol! Not there!" Dara moaned in pain while Chanyeol was busy putting "it" in and out.

"Ssh! L-lower your voice Dara. The neighbors might here" Chanyeol shipered huskily in her ears.

"O-okay! Hurry up!!" Dara said lowering her voice. Chanyeol sighed and slightly smiled at her impatient girlfriend.

"There! It's done!" Chanyeol exclaimed and stood up.

Dara smiled brightly and sat down in his bed. She put her little finger inside her ears and smiled.

"thank you for cleaning my ears Baby!!!" Dara said happily and hugged his boyfriend. Chanyeol smiled and hugged her back and kissed her on the forehead.

"Your Welcome Baby. Now turn around and let's clean your other ear" Chanyeol said. Dara happily nodded and followed what his boyfriend said.

-The End-

*゚¨゚✎*.:。✿*♡LOVE♡LOVE♡ ✿*゚¨゚✎・ ✿

I hope you enjoyed yourselves 😊😊😊 My dirty readers Hahaha XD

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