Ballpen Extra Chapter (New Year Special)

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Because that Chapter had the most votes I decided to make A short story about it on what happened before they became close. This story is about Chanyeol who ws secretly loving Dara from afar.


Chanyeol's POV

It was a sunny and ordinary day that time. Just like my ordinay routine I went out of the room and went to the canteen to buy juice. While I was walking towarss the store someone caught my eye. A strange girl who was buyimg alot of Ballpens. It was Sandara Park

I literally stopped and just stared at her. She was so beautiful. Her black hair was wavy yet shiny. Her face was cute and her smile was mesmerizing. She was an Angel --- no a GODDESS! she was so beautiful that I could not take my eyes off her.

She was like a drug that I can't help but be addicted to her so I tried to know who she is and what class she was in. Later on, I learned that she was popular, REALLY popular. Shr was very popular not just in the boys but also in the girls. Alot of them admired her. She was a honor student at Class 1 and she was at the top 5. She was not very athletic but shs aas very into music. Some sy she was the princess of the school. She was so popular yet there were rumors that She was not aware of it.

I suddenly felt consious about myslef. It felt like Dara was so out of my reach! She was sooo in a higher level than me. I was at Class 3 and I am definetly not popular. I am not a honor student nor am I the prince of the school. I was athletic but I was more focused on my dancing and singing/rapping talent.

And so, I didy best so that I could be at the same class with her next year. It was almost impossible but I did my best. I studied everyday, Changed my appearnace and my style, and tried my best to be a honor student.

And fortunately I succeeded, the next year I was assigned at the same class as her, Class 1. Almost all of my classmates were shocked by the result and I just laughed at them. I was also gaining popularity. And when I finally felt like I was almost at her level I took all my courage to her.

Breath in. Breath out. Breath in. Breath out.

I said as I nervously seated at her side. I think she did not notice me since she was busy reading her book. I breathed again and gathering all my courage I faced her and poked my finger at her shoulder to notice me.

"E-e-excuse me" I sid while my voice was trembling.

I saw her put down her book and looked at me. I gulped and my heart started to beat so fast. This was the first time I looked at her close so it was very breath taking. And i cant help but stare at those beautiful orbs.

"Yes? What may I help you?" she asked. Boy her vouce was so enchanting! Her voice are music to my ears! It was like I heard an angel talking to me. I gulped. And tried to keep my composure and coughed a bit.

"B-Ballpen" I managed to say. She looked at me confusingly like she was aking what I was talking about.

"Wait! Wait! Wait! Chanyeol! This is not what we practiced! Stop! You are supposed to be introducing yourself! Stop! You'll ruin everything!!!" I mentally scolded my self. Shit! This is not supposed to happen!! I was about to take back what I said when I saw her looking at me.

"Can i borrow your ballpen?"

"BOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU*********KKKKKKK!!!!!" I mentally screamed.

I was internally screaming and menatlly slapping my face when I sas Dara smiled at me. It was the first time she smiled at me. And only to me. I was frozed for a few seconds. She gave me my ballpen and I happily recieved it.

"Thank You" I managed to say without stammering.

"Your welcome" and once again she smiled at me before she continued reading her book.

I was left staring at the ballpen I 'borrowed' from her. I smiled at myself .

'This might not be a bad turn of events' I said to myself.


I dont know what to say. I am so tired and its New Year's Eve today (at our country). I have nothing to say.

Just Vote, Comment and Follow. Thanks~

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