Till we meet again (Part 1)

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My past self was such an embarassment. //facepalm// Damn I noticed that I wrote Chanyeol as a conceited, narcissitic jerk. Sorry 'bout that....Damn I'm suprised how I gained readers with how horrible I wrote.


******* Hospital

I wonder how I ended up here. Since When did I started coming here. Since when did my heart started beating so fast and then stopped so abruptly. I wonder. 

"Doctor she is not responding!!!"

"Doctor we're losing her!!!"

Looking at you fighting for your life would always makes me want to cry. I wonder how I kept myself from crying. Oh wait...... I am already crying. How stupid.

"in count of three 1,2,3!!!"


Who could have thought that a guy like me can fall for her. If only she wasn't in that situation maybe. Just Maybe. We might be together.

"Time of Death...." 

My heart stopped beating.....


My name is Chanyeol Park. I am a superstar. I am a singer, a dancer, a actor and a composer.

I'm happy with my life but I was not contented. It feels like somthing was missing. I have the popularity, the power, the money, a great family, awesome friends and a great life. Yet, somehow it feels like something was missing. And I dont know what it is. It just feels like there's that void deep inside my heart.

There were that rare times that I give myself some break and this day was one those. I was leasurely walking at the **** Park till I heard my phone ring.

"Good morning. Who's this?" 

"Good morning Chanyeol-ssi this si Ken your manager" (a:n// pls pretend his manager's name is ken lol)

"Ken-ssi why did you called? Is there a problem??"

"*heaved a heavy sigh* Yes Chanyeol and this is a very big issue"

"Okay what is it"


"Come on Ken-ssi tell me"

"Its about Xonia" Btw Xonia is my girlfriend .... well in cam but not in true life

"What about her??"

"*sigh* there is a S*x video of her and Haden. It is all over the internet. EVeryone is asking if that video was true or not they are going nuts about this issue especially when we all know that Haden is already married. Most of all everyone is asking what is your reaction Chanyeol as her om screen boyfriend"

Now that's just fucked up..

"What the----"

"Chanyeol you really need to come---" I ended the call without letting him finish. I was beyond pissed. But I was more disappointed to her. She was my friend. As her friend it felt terrible that she did those....stuff with a married guy.

I was so-- oh wait let me change that EXTREMELY frustrated that I kicked a medium size rock. And becase I was overwhelmed by my emotions, I didn't control myself and without knowing  unintentionaly hit the rock too hard which caused to break a window. Not just 'a' window but a hospital window.



When I entered the hospital I saw a woman asking for assistance from the hospital for the broken window.  I went towards the directrion of the woman.

"Excuse me, are you perhaps the staying at the hospital room that has a broken window because of a rock?" I asked while scratching my head. The lady looks confused but she slowly nodded her head.

"Yes, may I ask why you asked??" she asked.

"Umm you see... umm...I was the one who kicked the rock and it accidentally hit your room. I'm sorry" I said and then I bowed at her to show my respect and sincerity.

"oh that's okay" she said while smiling at me sweetly.

"I am really sorry Ma'am. I will pay for my damages I have caused to you and your family" I said still bowing my head. I felt her warn hands at my shoulders. I looked up and saw her smiing at me while slowly shaking her head.

"No need young man besides no one was hurt except for my daughter who was almost hit but she wasn't really hurt. And please dont call me Ma'am just call me Flora or much better call me Tita Flora" she said. I smiled shyly. I nodded my head. (a:n//pretend Dara's mom was named Flora hehe)

"Okay Ma-- I mean Tita Flora but may I go to your room to apoligize to her personally? Even though she wasn't hit she is still a victim of my clumsiness. It makes me guilty " 

She just nodded at me and then we started to walk towards their room. Tita Flora is really a nice and bubbly person. Within no time, we started talking comfortably. While walking, she told me of the current situation of her daughter. She said that 2 years ago she was hit by a overspeeding car at her back. It was a miracle that she survived but she was paralyzed. She was hospitalized for almost 2 years now. 

After I heard her story I felt sorry for Tita Flora. She was carrying this burden for how many years yet here she was still smiling so brightly.  She was amazing.

We stopped by at the door of room 123. She opened the door and she went inside first.

"Dara, Mom is back and we have a visitor" Her mom said.

I scratched my head as I slowly went inside the room. God! This is so embarassing. I better say sorry to umm what was  her name again, Dana? Donna?? Dara?? Oh right Dara

When I looked infront I felt like everything in this world suddenly stopped as I watch her sitting in the hospital bed with the rock at her hand. 

She looked at me and then she smiled as the wind blows her hair


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