Look At Me (Part 1)

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♡Author's Note♡

Guys! I suddenly have an idea so that this book won't be too boring whehehe. I'll be adding you (YES YOU!) in the extra characters. It means this is a X Reader kinda type but you are not the main character whehehhe is it confusing? Then just read it and try to figure it out.

✿*゚¨゚✎*.:。✿*♡LOVE♡LOVE♡ ✿*゚¨゚✎・ ✿

Sandara's POV

Hi! I'm Sandara Park and I'm working inside a bar. It's not those kind of bars where there are dirty dancing everywhere okay? This one is decent. I am working here as a drummer. You see, I have a band called 2ne1. We always play and sing hete very Monday. Wednesday and Friday

Today is Saturday and we were not supposed to be working but since the  band,  Bigbang, who were supposed to be here was not available so we were left with no choice but work in out holiday. It's alright tho, since we enjoy doing this.

"Dara!, could you pick me those bottles at the counter? I'm really so busy right now and I can't do everything at the same time please?" The owner of this bar, (Your Name), said.

"Okay!" I said and went to the counter.

When I was walking towards the counter. A man with a sad expression was sitting in the tablw alone. I don't know his name but I always see him during our performances. He always look so sad and depressed like he was experiencing something so painful.

The first time he caught me attention was when Bom-unnie sang "Let Her Go" he was crying. He looked so devastated and broken. I doubt that he even noticed that he was already crying that time. I think he just noticed it when his friends came and comforted him.

Until then, whenever we perform.l, i always find myslef looking at him. Looking if he was listening. But unfortunately, I think that time was the only time he listened to us. Somehow, deep inside me, I felt sad and hurt.

The counter was near his table. After a few minutes his friends came and then they started to talk and laugh. All of them were having a great time.... Well, I guess except for him. He seems so lost like he was not himself.

"Wait a minute. What 4the heck are you doing Dara? You looked like a creepy stalker!" I said to myself unbelievably.

I was thinking about leaving and stop staring---err I mean looking at them. I was about to walk away when suddenly the atmosphere aroud then suddenly changed into someting serious.

"Chanyeol-hyung. Are.... Are you really okay?" Some of his friends asked.

"Aaah so his name is Chanyeol.... How cute..."

"H-huh?.. Ugh yeah. I think so why?" he said and drank a bottle of beer. His Friends look at him unbelievably before they let out a sad sigh.

This was the first time I heard his voice and I can't help but be mesmerized by his husky yet soft voice. I let out a soft gasp when I felt my heart beatnfast and felt butterflies in my stomach.

"Do I Like him? But we haven't even talked yet! Gosh! You're unbelievable Dara!" I told myslef. Gosh!

"Chanyeol, I know you're still hurt because of what happenes but dude you need to move on. It's been almost a year already. You seriously have to let her go"

"I know that Hyung. It's just that....... I'm still not ready."

"*sigh* Chanyeol, what do you want ud to do so that you can let go? So that you could move on?"

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