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Dara's POV

IT was a nice Monday morning when I went to school. Today is my first day in highschool and I can't help but be excited about what may happen to me during my highschool years.

When I reached our school I excitedly went to the board where the classes were posted.

"Class 6..... Class 5...." I mumbled to myself while searching my name.

The board was near the School's entrance so there was a lot of students who also looked at the board.

"Hey, do you think there will be alot of new chicks this year?" I heard someone asked behind me. I didn't really pay attention to the person talking since I was busy looking for my name.

"Sandara Park... Sandara Park... Sandara...." I murmured to myslef while searching for my name.

Hmmmm. Oh!! There it is I'm at Class 1!! And Gosh! Me, CL and Bom (A:N// Sorry. Still bitter about Minzy leaving T.T I don't hate her tho. I just....  Can't believe she could leave just like THAT)

"Oh M g! CL, Bom and I are still class--- *BOOGSH* " before I could continue I feel a sudden impact at my back. I stumpled and lost my balane. I close my eyes and waited for my body to fall.

"I'm gonna kiss the flooooor!!!" I thought while I was falling.

Then suddenly a pair of arms grabbed my waist and and pulled me towards him. I closed my eyes at the sudden impact.

"Miss! Oh Shit! Are you okay?!I heard someone asking me. It happened so quickly that I still haven't relaized what was happening. I slowly shook my head as I felt a stingin pain in my head.

"I'm sorry!! I was in a  hurry that I didn't notice you! Are you okay? Can you stand?" The boy asked and led me to one of the benches and sat down.

"Do you want to me to get you water?" He asked worriedly. I was getting dizzy and I can't clearly see.

"Y-yes please" I said and held my head when it started stinging in pain again. Without replying the boy quickly stood up and ran.

"Ouch!! What's happening? I feel dizzy and nauseous! Was that boy's body that hard that made react this way? Owwww' I thought as I massaged my temples.

Well, he did have a broad chest and strong arms. Geez!! While I was holding his shoulders I'm sooo sure that it was strong biceps. And Did that man has abs? Coz I'm pretty sure I felt it when he hugged me.....

I was cut off from my thoughts when I heard footstpes coming towards me.

"Here. Drink this." He said while Catching his breath and giving me water and medicine. I think it's painkillers.

He has a very husky voice.

"T-Thanks" I said weakly and took the medicine and water.

After a few minutes the pain was slowly fading away. I slowly opened my eyes. Thank God I could see clearly again.

"Thank you" I said and looked at my side.

"You welcome. And I'm sorry." He said and faced me.

He's freaking handsome!!

"I-its o-o-okay" I said nervously whiel avoiding my gaze.

Oh M G!! This boy is so handsome!! Gosh! I feel like I'm blushing.

"Oh Shit! I'm really late!! Ummmm Miss but I really need to go." He appologized. I politely smiled at him and nodded my head.

"Okay.. Thanks for helping me" I said shyly.

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