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AUTHOR'S NOTE: I appologize for the errors. There are a lot of it coz I made this during night. It's almost midnight but I forced myself to finish this so I appologize if some of the phrases are hard to understand. And before YOU START reading  please don't misunderstand. I Do Not Hate GDragon. He's actually my husband *WHAHAHAHAHHAH*. He was "badmouthed" here for the sake of the story. Please understand. Again, I DO NOT HATE GD! How could I hate someone who I married *winks* BWHAHAHAHAHHA *gets attacked by fangirls*


For the whole day Chanyeol was upset. SO upset. He gets irritated quickly, he scowls alot, he's been frowning the whole day, he lost his appetite, he was glaring on anything that sees and for the whole day he never even once smiled. The vitamin seems like it vanished in an instant and was replaced into something ... Something unexplainable.

But everything happened for a reason. And the reason was that the girl he was secretly dating, San Dara Park, was reported in the news that she had a dating scandal with his co-worker, Kwon Jiyong.

"She ain't picking up the phone.." Chanyeol said to himself and harshly threw his phone at the sofa.

"Damn it!" He cussed and ran his finger at his hair.

"This is making me crazy!" He exclaimed and went inside his room.

He quickly walked towards his bed and jumped. He lied down and closed his eyes. Hoping that he would miraculously forget everything

Okay... Sleep Chanyeol. You're just extremely tired. You need sleep. Don't mind the news..." He thought while trying to calm his nerves.

"Don't mind the news.... Don't mind the news... Don't mind the news" He repeated the same phrase over and over again. Hoping that it might help him relax. But unfortunately eveytime he repeats it the more agitated he gets.

"I SAID DON'T ***** MIND THE NEWS!!! ARRRGH!!!" He shouted. Quickly he sat down and looked furiously at his phone. He opened his social media aacounts and were irrated again to see the news.

"Why the hell did he do that?!" Chanyeol exclaimed unbelievablely

"No! WAIT! Calm down Chanyeol.... *inhale* *exhale* Jiyong-hyung is your idol remember? You admirw them. Besides they're just friends... Just Friends..." Chanyeol said to himself.

"Just friends *glance at the news article* Hooooooo just friends. *opens the article* *gasp* just friends... *reads the article* *inhale--exhale* just.. Friends.. Just....  *sees half of the photo*.....  frie--*sees the whole photo* GODDAMMIT!!!! *angrily puts his phone at his side*"

Chanyeol was mad. Beyond mad. He's frustrated. He's hurt. He's angry. He's... jealous. AND HE can't help but start asking questions in his head.

'Is she really dating him? Does she like him? Does he like her? Do they like each other? Was it just a misunderstanding? .. Why is his arm wrapped around her? Why is she hiding behind her hood when we could instantly know it was her because of her nails?... Is she breaking up on me? Was it a joke? ..  Has Luffy found the one piece yet? SHIT! I'm losing my mind!!" Chanyeol thought.

He stood up and started walking around his room. Looking for something that could distract him. After a while he decided to look at his dressing room.

"Let's see if there's anything I could make fun of" he whispers while scanning his closet. He saw a blue jacket with a hoodie.

"That will do" He said and took it.

One Shot (ChanDara <3)Where stories live. Discover now