I Made Her Cry

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♡Author's Note!♡
Oh M Geee!!!! Gosh in a matter of 1 or 2 days the votes increased to 100! Gosh! Thank You so much Everyone L(*OεV*)E. The only thing I need next will be the comments. 18 comments more to go and I'll be posting my new book.

✿*゚¨゚✎*.:。✿*♡LOVE♡LOVE♡ ✿*゚¨゚✎・ ✿

Chanyeol's POV

*toot* *toot*

I mentally cussed when I heard the call ended. I was working in my office when suddenly my wife, Mrs. Park Sandara, Called . We are married for a few months now. Everything went fine up until now.

She suddenly called me in the middle of my meeting so I accidentally yelled at her. She was asking to get her some foods but I refused. I told her to wait for me to get home but she insisted to get her some. She was so persistent that I got pissed. I didn't mean to yell at her. I didn't even realized what I did and when I finally did, It was too late to say sorry because she was already crying and then ended the call.

I couldn't think straight after that. I was worried and felt guilty. I called and texted her so many times but she wouldn't reply. I could not even do my job right because I was thinking of her too much.

With a frustrated groan I took all my things, got my keys and went straight to the door.

"Chanyeol-ssi! Where are you going? You still have work to do!" I heard my boss, Suho, called me.

"Sorry Boss! I need to talk to my wife first!" I answered him without looking back and then I quickly entered the elevator.


After an hour, I arrived at our house. I took a little detour on my way to but the things she wanted. When I arrived I opened the door and saw her watching television.

"Honey" I called her. She looked at my direction. She was suprised but it quickly changed and turned into a frown.

I sae her rolled her eyes on me then marched towards our room.

"Hon~!! Wait!!" I said and chased her towards the room. She didn't even bothered to look at me. She walked towards the bed without looking nor talked to me. She got into the bed and wrapped herself from the blanket. I sighed and went beside her.

I lay down at the bed and hugged her from behind.

"Honey" I said. She didn't reply and started to resist to get out from my hug. But instead of letting her go I hugged her tighter and faced her face to me and lightly kissed her in the lips.

"Sandara, Mianhe" I whispered. I hugged her tightly and kissed her hed. We stayed at that position for a few minutes the I heard her crying.

"Baby, stop crying. I'm sorry I yelled at you. I didn't mean it" I said while wiping her tears.

"Pabo Chanyeol-aah" Dara said while sobbing. I felt guilty once again.

"I'm sorry for making you cry Honey. " I told her. She stayed quiet but she hugged ne back and tucked herslef from my chest.


I-I'm sorry too. For disturbing you from your work." She said then cried again. I smiled at her sweetly and kissed her in her forehead.

"No need to appologize" I said. She looked at me with teary eyes.

"Do you hate me now?"

"Why would I hate you?" I looked at her confusingly when I answered her. I saw her make a frown and then rolled her eyes on me.

"Just answer me!" I sighed because of her sudden change of moods. I looked at her and I saw worry and love from her eyes. So, I kissed her forehead to her nose and lastly a long passionate kiss at her lips.

The kiss lasted for a few minutes and when we parted both of ud were catching our breaths. I looked at her sincerly and cupped her face.

"Hmmm Baby, I would never hate you. Yes, there will be times that I might hurt you but dont ever forget that I love you from the bottom of my heart" I said with sincerity.

I saw a tear dropped from her eyes as she smiled brightly to me. She hugged me once again and tucked herself comfortably from my chest.

I stroked her hair while singing her sweet lullaby at her ears. I could feel her smiling in my chest.

"Oh by the way Dara. I bought the things you wanted and there is Something bothering me" I told her.

"Hmm what is it?" She looked at me confused.

"You told me to by some red tomatoes, cheese, mayonnaise, catsup and apples. What are you gonna do with it?" I said. Her eyes brightens when she heard what I said. She smiled to me brightly then kissed me a multiple times in my lips.

"Thank You!!!" She said.  I smiled to ger again then hugged her. We silent for a few minutes before she looked at me again and said the words that made me the happiest man in the whole wordld.

"Honey, do you really want to know why I let you bought those?"

"Hmm Yeah."

"You see Park Chanyeol


I'm pregnant."

✿*゚¨゚✎*.:。✿*♡LOVE♡LOVE♡ ✿*゚¨゚✎・ ✿


Ugh! I think this chapter is not so sweet and I really appologize for that. When I was writing this I just finished answering our math work shits--I mean worksheets. Ugghh. Math will never be my friend =-=

Again, 18 comments to go and I'll be publishing my new book entitled "Switched Bodies" . I'll try to write five chapters before I publish it =)

Thanks! See you!

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