Hidden Feelings

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Inspired by: Vocaloid: Kagamine Len: Someday My Cinderella Will Come

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✿*゚¨゚✎*.:。✿*♡LOVE♡LOVE♡ ✿*゚¨゚✎・ ✿

Chanyeol's POV

My name is Chan Yeol Park and I am inlove with my best friend, San Dara Park. Dara and I are best friends ever since grade school. We were insperabale. She treated me like I was his big brother while I treated her as my little sister... Well not until we reached middle school. During middle school, I realized that my feelings for her was something different. It was something I could not understand, something that I could only feel when I am with her. And that was love..

"Chanyeol?" I looked behind me and saw the most beautiful bride I ever saw. I smiled at her and held her hand.

"Are you ready....Dara?"

"Yes.." She said with a smile. I held her hand tighter and lead her to the altar. As I was walking beside her I looked at her eyes filled with love and excitement. I smiled at her and looked at the altar as I remembered those memories...


I was seven years old when me and my friends were plaing in the  play gorund.  We were playing hidde and seek until we grew tired from it and decided to play another game.

"Hey! Let's play another game!" My friend, Suho said. We all agreed  and smiled.

"Agree! But what kind of game?" Kris innocently asked. All of of looked at each other and shrugged our shoulders.

"OH! I KNOW! I KNOW  WHAT KIND OF GAME WE SHOULD PLAY!" Bom said while juming happily. We all looked at her and asked her what to play.

"We should  play Save Princess Cinderella!" She said happily. We all looked at her and wondered how to play that game.

"How do you play that game?" Baekyeon asked.

"We would split into two groups. One group would be the kidnappers of Cinderella and the other would be the ones who would save her" She said.

"Okay! Let's play that game!" Luhan said and we all agreed happily.

"But.. Who should be Cinderella?" Chen asked.

"Oh! I know who should be CInderella! Wait here!" CL said and walked away. We waited for and after a few minutes she came back.

"Everyone! This is San Dara Park!She's new here. She just moved here yesterday" CL introduced. We all smiled at her and welcomed her. One by one they introduced tehirsleves until it was my time to talk.

"Hi! My name is CHanyeol!" I cheerfully saidand held out my hand for a handshake. She shyly looked at m hadn and then to my eyes. I  was caught out of guard when I saw his beautiful eyes looking at me. She smiled on which took m breath away.

"Hello! My name is Dara!" she said and held my hadn for a handshake. That was the first time I heard her voice adn held her hand.

"......Cinderella..." I whispered while staring at her beautiful smile.

*End OF Flashback*

I fell inlove with Dara. Her smiles, her eyes, her lips, her nose, her laughs, her voice, EVERYTHING about her makes me fall in love with  her. I wanted to tell her but I was afraid. Afraid that I might end our friendship. I was a coward. I could not tell it to her because I was afraid. I ran away. And pretended that I didn't have any feelings for her.

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