Too Late

200 7 4

Author's NOTE: Can't dedicate this Chapter since I am only writing at my tab. Sorry bout that
Chanyeol's POV

I sighed nervously as I was slowly walked towards the school garden. I have a crush on Dara for 3 years already and I decided to confess today. Dara is a part of the Gardening Club so she is probably at the garden now.

As I drew closer to the Garden my heart started to neat faster then normal. Shit! I cursed whisperly as I felt sweat falling from my head. Why the fuck is it so hard to confess! I frustratedly asked myslef.

When I reached to the Garden I breathed heavily and entered the school garden. I took a few steps and I already saw Dara carefully treated her plants. She was calmly smiling with a glimpse of happiness in her eyes while she was tending her plants. Her hands were carefully touching the leaves of the plants while the wind slightly blew her soft black hair. It was undeniably breathtaking.

I smiled at the beautiful scenary infront of me and slowly sat beside her.

"Hey" I said to get her attention. She stopped and looked at me. I held my breath when pur eyes met. She's so beautiful.

"Chanyeol? HEY!!" She happily greeted and waved her hand at me. I smiled at her and waved my hand too

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Just wanna check something out" I said and looked around me. I saw her smile at me and continued her work.

We stayed silent for how many minutes. I was still collecting courage to tell her what I feel. Everytime I tried to open my mouth I always find myself stammering then say something unexpectedly. I already tried confessing to her three times already but unfortunately It all failed without me saying anything.

Today, I will definitely tell her my feelings. I told myself and breathed once again before I seroously looked at her. Without saying anything I held her hand which made her look at me confusingly.

"Umm Chanyeol-ssi?" she asked while looking at me straight to eyes. Instead of answering her I held her hand tighter and looked at her very seriously.

"I.......I need to tell you something.." I said.

"What is it?" She asked innocently. Patiently waiting for my answer. I swallowed so hard and opened my mouth. This is it.

"I-I-I like y-----" before I could say something someone interupted us.

"Dara?" A man's voice said behind Dara. Dara looked behind her and I saw her smile brightly. A smile I never saw up until now.

"GD!!!" She said and ran towards GD and hugged her..

My heart breaked as I saw them lovingly hugging eachother. He was resting his head at her shoulders while his arms were wrapped in her waist while Dara rested her head at his chest while wrapping her arms around his neck. It was painful. I looled at them painfully while tears started to pile up in my eyes.

"Oh! Right! Chanyeol!" She said when she remembered me.

"Hmm?" I asked trying to act Like I'm not affected by what is happening right now.

"GD, This is Chanyeol Park, my friend. " friend. Fuck

"Chanyeol, This is GD. My boyfriend" Boyfriend. Fucking Fuck.

I cursed muliple times while a lot of questions were stirring in my mind. I could not understand what they were talkign about because pain was already taking over my whole body especially my whole heart.

Unable to take it all within, I excused myself and ran outside. I could hear Dara calling my name but I couldn't look at her now. Just by hearing her name was already painful to me.

Tears started to fall from my eyes. I was too late. I said between my tears.


♥♡ LOL XP I don't know any heartbreaking words to express what he feels. I know how that feels. To love someone who doesn't and will never love you back. It was painful. I loved him but I guess he was not the one.
I used to believe that we were destined. And I was right, we were destined to meet but never meant to be together. ♡

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