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A small thing that has a great importance to our lives especially in working and in studying.

A small thing that usually goes missing the moment the owner let go of it.

A small thing that always ruins my day especially when I lose it during an exam.

A small thing that I never put any notice to it.

A Small thing that I hate. And..

A small thing that created our love story

Sandara's Pov

I am currently here in our classroom waiting for the bell to ring. I looked at my watch and noticed I was 15 minutes early for class. Left with nothing to do, I picked up my book and started reading it.

"Can I borrow your ballpen?"

Here he goes again asking me if I have a ballpen and as always I would let him borrow. I have tons of ballpens here in my bag cause somehow I alwas fnd myself losing my ballpens. It's either I misplaced it or someone stole it AGAIN.

"Here." I gave him the ballpen and then continued reading.

"Thank You" He said and gave me his oh-so great smile that will always make any girl faint. Me included.

Chanyeol Park. My classmate since I was still in Grade 7 and believe it or not we are always seatmates. He is one of the heartthrobs here in our school. Corny right? Well I can't blame the school if they want to call them 'heartthrobs' since they are really cute------ okay fine they are handsome especially this guy.

He's that guy everyone would like their mother to meet. He's well-mannered, gentle, and handsome. Standing tall and manly he was drooled upon hundreds of girls. He was that dreamy. Almost every girl in our school likes him.

I was one of them

I dont know how or when it started all I remembered was when I woke up one morning, I realized I have a crush on him. The more I think about my feelings the more dejected I feel. Him liking me is highly impossible. He's my friend and he would always burrow ballpens, hangout and joke around acting lile we're elementary kids but aisde from that, I never see him the way I look at him. A look that's filled with love and longing. Sigh, one sided shit.

During break time, I quitely went outside the room and walked towards the canteen. CL and the others were already waiting for me. I hope Bom didn't start eating which I bet she already did.

I paused for a bit then texted Bom

To: CornLyf
I dare u to eat with out me.

I laughed a bit as I imagined what her reaction would be. I placed my phone down and when I looked up I felt my body go cold.

I saw Chanyeol kissed Daisiee in the cheeks.

I froze. I couldn't speak nor I did I walk away.  I just stood there. I found myself having a hard tiem breathing and yet I could not bother myself with that because I was just staring blankly at them. I clutched my heart and felt it tighten. It was so tight I felt my heart go shallow. The pain was making me numb.

Before I could notice a tears fell from my eyes. I didn't know when he noticed me but he was suddenly infront of me. He asked so many questions yet I couldn't understand any of it.

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