Till We Meet Again (Part 3)

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Chanyeol's Pov

Its been a week since I learned about the condition of Dara and up until now it is still bothering me. Walking towards the room I thought about what happened, its only been a few months since we met but I am already deeply inlove with her. A smile formed from my lips..

Remembering the days I spent with her was the greatest treasure God have given me. I don't know what I would do if she left me. I just cant imagine a future without her by my side. I sighed when I suddenly remebered Dara's condition. Its only been a week yet her condition is getting worse.


I entered the room, and saw her sleeping. I smiled and slowly walked towards her side. I held her hand and held it tightly. I looked at her sleeping face and I cant help but admire at her goddess like beauty.

Slowly touching her cheeks I wondered why dd this happen to Dara? She is too young for all of this. Why does she has to suffer? 

I clenched my fist as slowly tears form from my eyes. I know it sounds gay but fuck!  Just thinking about the possiblity that she'll leave me kills me.

I was interupted when I felt a cold hand wiping away my tears. I looked down and I saw Dara looking at me with worried eyes. She held both my cheeks and slowly moved me closer. Closing the gap between our forheads. She looked at me with so much care and smiled.

Shocked by her sudden actions I was left speechless and unable to do anything. After a few minutes, my eyes started to water again and without thinking I hugged her tightly and cried at her arms.

"Dara...." I wept. Dara might think that this is so gay but I just dont care anymore. The fear of her dying is eating me. I just cant sleep nor can I eat worrying about what will happen.

"Dara.... Please... Dont leave me" I said---- no scratched that I BEGGED her. I felt she was startled by what I said. She slowly noded and hugged me back with tears falling down from her eyes.

"I Love You" I said and then slowly we kissed.


Dara's POV

After how many minutes of crying, Chanyeol fell asleep in my arms. I looked at him and I can still see unshed tears left at the side of his eyes. I slowly brushed his hair while staring at him. I never imagined that he will worry this much. How he much he cared for me and how much he loves me that it brought a normally sunny guy like him to breakdown and cry.

Smiling sweetly I looked at his face and I can't help but blush. He looks so cute. He has perfectly round brown eyes, round nose , a round lips and a round face. His eyelashes is so long and his lips are so pink. How could a man like this fall in love me?

Unknowingly I touched my lips. I can still feel the touch of his lips. That sweet taste that I can never forget. I blushed when I remembered what he said. He loves me.

With full force I slowly took my phone from the table. Secretly,  I took our picture together, me hugging him and him sleeping. A smile formed from my lips and i kissed him at his lips.

'I Love You' I said to myself and I drowned myself to sleep.


"Good Morning Dara"

The moment I opened my eyes the first thing I saw was his face. I wanted to reply to him but I couldn't. So I can only reply to him with a smile.

"Here eat you breakfast." He said and placed my breakfast beside me.

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