Chapter 2 Meeting him

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I put on a straightforward white shirt, a long pink coverall, blue pants, and white shoes. I simply applied lip medicine to my lips and pulled my long, wavy dark hair into a braid.

 I simply applied lip medicine to my lips and pulled my long, wavy dark hair into a braid

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rest face I leave normal. I generally favor myself straightforward and normal looking.

I snatch my rucksack and put my credit into it, then, at that point, emerge from my loft. Subsequent to locking it,

I notice my taxi has shown up as of now, which I booked. Moaning, I went towards it. From that point forward, I sat up in the vehicle. At the point when the vehicle remained at the bistro, I received in return and went to the bistro. Abruptly, my phone goes off. I got the message

"I'm at table no. 25." I read it and headed towards there.

I saw Mr. Bickle. He is in his late forties. Dylin orchestrates my meeting with him.

I went towards his table. Mr. Bickle saw me grinning. "You should be Damaris," he asked, and I gestured to him. We

found a spot at the table and he gave me a few reports and a personality card.

"This is your ID card as an inside creator. Everything is prepared. You simply have to meet him as the inside architect of his place, so you can invest energy with him and in this stage, you can find his by keeping an eye on his own data, which can demolish his standing more," he expressed pompously to me.

I kept my face straight. I would rather not do this. My heart is continually declining me for this, yet my brain doesn't permit me to decline.

The arrangement is that I will meet Lucifer Kingston as the inside architect of his recently bought house. Mr.Bickle has associations with making counterfeit IDs of workers of popular prestigious organizations.

With shudder hands, I took the archives and ID

I frowned, looking at the "What about the original interior designer appointed to design his place?" I asked.

He raised his eyebrows. "Don't think too much, it has already been taken care of," he said smugly to me, frightening me.

"Please don't harm the original interior designer. I don't want anyone to be in trouble because of me." I pleaded to him.

I cycle my lip, making an honest effort not to cry here.

At last, subsequent to completing the espresso requested here, I covered the bill and left the bistro gripping the records and strolling capriciously toward any path. I don't have the foggiest idea where unexpectedly my leg hit something extremely hard and I staggered every one of the reports fall I firmly shut my eyes trusting that the agony will come as I'm going to fall on the unforgiving street however I felt an arm around my midsection like somebody holds me possessively

my eyes were as yet shut because of nervousness

"Unwind, you are protected" A profound manly imposing voice talked into my ears, sending an air pocket of butterflies in my stomach, causing me to feel something I never envisioned, an unfamiliar yet pleasurable inclination.

I woke up and took a gander at an extremely gorgeous sets of dim eyes gazing down at me. His delightful dim eyes resembled I tracked down paradise in those eyes. For

the initial time in seemingly forever, I could feel the stars inside me start to sparkle. I lost all sense of direction in his eyes, yet truth to be told, I would have rather not discovered a way.

"Are you OK?" His profound voice asked me, and I jolted away from him like I had been captivated by engage previously, yet the unfamiliar inclination in my heart was so lovely. I had never felt that before with anybody. I was breathing so vigorously, similar to elements of my appendages were numb when

I was lost in his marvelous eyes.

I saw his face. He had bristly eyebrows, a hawkish nose with characterized cheekbones, his jaw was concrete with a Titan's shoulders. He had

dim dark hair.

He is wearing a dim blue costly Armani suit, yet he has expansive shoulders and his Greek God manly body is noticeable even through the costly suit he is wearing. I grimaced. What am I thinking? What is befalling me?

I stared at him like a lost pup. At the point when I saw he was inquiring as to whether I was alright, I

shook my head. Then, at that point, I understood what I did. I gestured at him, it was okay to guarantee I.

I immediately bowed kneeling down to gather the papers and archives Mr. Bickle had given me. He

likewise bows with me, assisting me with social occasion them all. "It's alright, I can make due." I addressed him apprehensively.

He grinned warmly at me. His grin was one of satisfaction developing, much as a spring bloom opens. I could perceive how it came from profound inside him to light his eyes and spread into all aspects of him. "I realize you can, yet I might want to help," he said while organizing my papers appropriately and giving them back to me. I grinned at him.

"Much obliged to you for making a difference" I said while standing up thus did he with me.

His hypnotizing voice hindered me "What is your name?" he asks.

I halted and turned around. Would it be a good idea for me to tell an stranger my name? He appears to be great as he helps me and his eyes likewise have truth.

"Damaris," I answered, grinning.

"Damaris," he talked similarly as my name moved off from his lovely lips. Previously

Before could talk more, we were interfered with via vehicle horns. I saw we were remaining in the street with vehicles around us. My phone hummed. I looked it was Dylan's call. I got it while strolling toward another path, which leads towards the bus stop.

"Indeed Dylan," I addressed.

"Have you met Mr. Bickle, Iris?" He asked me,

"Indeed, yet Dylin, I need to get some information about the first inside fashioner. I don't maintain that anybody should be in a difficult situation as a result of me. If it's not too much trouble, ensure nothing happens to them," I expressed it obviously to him,

"Try not to stress over it, simply center around your work," he guaranteed me, and I murmured.

After hanging up the phone, I looked around. I had already come from the bus station. The bus would be here at any time. Sighing, I turned around and looked in that direction where I met that stranger. It seems like he is a charmer. I am still lost in the charm of his dreamy grey eyes. How deep and beautiful they are.

I can't even thank him as he saved me from falling and injury. I closed my eyes. I don't think he will be there now. He may be gone.

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