Chapter 29 Everything goes wrong

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I am staring for four hours on my laptop, searching for a place suitable for an orphanage, continuous, seems like I didn't even blink my eyes Since, how long

But, my unfortunate luck, I can't even find a single place suitable for the orphanage

I closed my laptop and sighed in frustration,

Seven days, I have to save the orphanage

How can I betray Lucifer, no I can't, never

I will find another way to save those innocent children from the greedy clutches of that Gideon

But, what I will I do now

I quickly called Xander, he is the only one who can help me

"Yes, iris " he spoke

"Listen, Xander, there is a very serious problem," I told him

I tell him everything since starting

"Seriously, iris, now they demand to fall this much low," he growled angrily

"I don't know what to do now, but I am not betraying Lucifer, not at any cost, " I told him honestly

"You should not, lucifer will send you to jail, iris if he knows you betray him," Xander said seriously

I closed my eyes; he is right. Lucifer will become angry and probably kill me or send me to jail, If I tried to go against him, but this is not a problem, I want to save Lucifer and that children from those monsters, and I don't want to hurt Lucifer if he will know my truth, he is the one who will be hurt the most

"What we will do now," I asked him impatiently

I heard him sighing

"I think, we should try to find a solution. Wait iris, I know someone who can help us. My friend is a property broker, he will help us" Xander told me

"Xander " I chirped out as a stay of hope comes in front of me hearing that

"Yes, he will help us, I will talk to him," Xander said to me

"Yes, please do it fast, I have this week only, " I told him

I keep away my phone and lay there in bed, because I know I am about to get a migraine attack

I closed my eyes, my head is on edge of an explosion, my stress level is increasing as drops of sweats are griping from my head

I quickly go towards the kitchen of the mansion and I saw pizza there, beside pizza there are chili flakes

I quickly took out that plate of chilly flakes and poured it all over that pizza and started eating it, I felt my throat burning because of so much consumption of chili flakes, but I ignored it and took out a box full of chili flakes from the cabinet and poured a whole box of chili flakes over remaining pizza and again eat it

Maids are looking at me like I have grown five heads on my body,

But I ignored their stares and continue eating it it helps me so much in my stress but it burns my throat like hell too

Just as I am about to take a bite of it a hand stops me

I looked up Lucifer is watching me with a frown

"What the hell is going on " he growled and I burst into crying the next moment

He put his arms around my waist and pulled me into a warm hug, his hand is soothing my back while I am crying hysterically buried my face in his chest

After sometime when I felt like I am Little calm,

I looked at him while wiping away my tears

I sat on the floor of the kitchen in Indian style

and Lucifer pulled out a large ice cream tub with a bottle of coke, for me

I quickly took it and started eating ice cream like a little girl

I heard him chuckle

I snapped my head in his direction, glaring hard at him

He put a finger in his lips seeing my face and this time; I am the one who erupted into laughter.

He keeps staring at me while I am laughing

"What," I asked him once I stopped my laugh

He bring his thumb near my lips and wiped away ice cream from my lips making me blushed

Suddenly, I hugged him, I love this man so much. He is the reason I am alive today otherwise, Real me was already dead before I meet him, how lucky I am to have him in my life

"Now, care to explain why you are eating those capsicums," he said to me

I suddenly become stiff, when I hear his question, what will I answer him now

"Listen, Damaris, I know there is something which is bothering you since the day, you come into my life, I can see a strange guilt in your innocent iris eyes, what is it," he asked me now facing me

I remained quiet, I don't know what to say, telling him about Gideon, and my truth is like gambling with the lives of innocent orphan children and his love

What will I do now

Sensing, my uneasy state, he cupped my face with both hands making me look into his grey eyes

"I don't force you in this, tell me when you are mentally prepared and comfortable," he said to me sincerely

I nodded to him

"You should go to bed, I have some important meetings to attend," he said to me smiling

I stand up from there and started going towards his bedroom, I comes there and lay on the bed, I closed my eyes and again but I felt so irritating sensation in my head

It feels like needles stabbing the back of my eyeballs and enormous pressure surrounding my entire head, slowly my eyelids become heavy and I drifted into sleep.

The ringing of the phone wakes me up from deep slumber, I groaned and took my phone, it's Xander's call

"Iris, finally I found a perfect place for the orphanage, and guess the good news owner is ready to sell it to us at half price of original one when they heard that we are buying it the for the orphanage" he informed me and I sat up on my bed, relief washed over my body and my heart filled with respect for my best friend Xander

"I am messaging you the address, now come there," he said and I hang up the call

I changed into a simple white shirt and blue faded jeans, after wearing my sneakers, I made my way out of the mansion

While driving I made all the plans I will shift all children from the orphanage to that new building, and then everything will be fine finally, I reached that place

I come out of the car, and go towards

That building a three-story building, with a garden to the place is a nature-friendly area

A woman Maybe in her late sixties comes,

She is Mrs.Williams, owner of this property

I smiled at her, but she seems so tense and more so frightened like something has happened to her

"Are you alright Mrs.Williams?" I asked her

She looked at me with pity "I am so sorry, but I can't sell this to you" she said making me shocked

"B...But why mam, is something is wrong, please this is my only hope" I pleaded to her

She shook he head "I am just sorry," she said and goes to sit in her car and goes

I looked in that direction where she just goes, why every time, everything turns against me, why me only

I put my hands over my face frustratedly

Suddenly, my phone buzzed indicating a message is been arrived, I opened it and Ipad out in terror with what I saw.
So, how is this chapter my beautiful readers, any guesses what she saw which makes her so shocked in fear, please tell me in comments.

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